Comments on: Finding The Right Tone For Setting Limits elevating child care Wed, 23 Aug 2023 20:55:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dabbi Siracha Wed, 23 Aug 2023 20:55:38 +0000 In reply to ElleC..

What if you give them something to kick or hit instead? Like a ball or a pillow

By: Nicky Tue, 28 Jul 2020 10:59:42 +0000 I just listened to this podcast and first of all thank you, it is very nice to have some guidance in this maze calles parenting. The whole time I was reading I kept on thinking, my almost 4 year old has these tantrums, sometimes because of her character (she is fireworks) and sometimes because I asktoo much from her, too many no’s or rules in too little time, I am working on that. So my question is: I say no, she thinks it is a joke, eventually after multiple warnings I am so fed up that I send her to her room, then she starts screaming, crying, hitting the wall or bed sometimes out of frustration.. My whole being wants her to stop that and sometimes I yell at her but at the same time I think she should have the space to express her frustration but that disturbs my peace, her little sisters peace and that of the neighbours, which is not ok, what can I do?

By: ElleC. Mon, 16 Sep 2019 14:57:20 +0000 In reply to Chava.

I also have a 3 year old who hit and kicks deliberately and thinks its a game. Particularly if I try to stop him, whether it be by hold up a hand in front of me or holding his wrists, etc. He laughs and tries harder. It hurts! This often ends with him in his room. Not sure how to handle this in any other way.

By: Chava Sun, 16 Jun 2019 17:57:54 +0000 In reply to emily.

Yes, my almost 5 yr old hits and kicks deliberately and thinks its a game. If i block and say i wont let you hit me, he thinks its a game and keeps trying. I end up walking him to his room bc i dont want to be hit and its not safe, but i feel like thats a “punishement”. Not sure how to navigate. Other example is when he keeps pushig our 2yr old and also finds it funny but baby is screaming and not happy.

By: janet Sun, 17 Jun 2018 03:35:30 +0000 In reply to Marian.

Marian, you are so lovely and I feel like I should be paying you for all your kind endorsements! Seriously, I’m beyond thrilled that Magda Gerber’s approach has helped you as much as it has me. Thank you for sharing so honestly and generously. You blow me away! With gratitude and affection, Janet

By: Marian Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:32:40 +0000 In reply to emily.

Emily, I hope you won’t mind my jumping in, as I, too, wish I had found this earlier: not because there were different ways with a younger child, but because I would have happier parenting memories and my daughter would have had a more capable Mom.

You can absolutely start now with all that is on this site. Really really listen to or read and reread this podcast: it’s your intention, your way of being and it has nothing to do with the behavior of the child: Janet discusses in another post how she responded to an 80-year-old man with the same unruffled empathy and respect, even though she felt uncomfortable with shame, and the interaction between the two was as beautiful as your four-year-old and you working on whatever she is working on.

Scour this site. Really. I LOVE being a Mom, now, because I understand where my daughter is coming from and I know the guidance here is how I want to be in the world and with myself. There will be small changes in your choice of words and sense of situation, then you will notice everyday it’s like a bicycle and you find yourself able to pedal faster and faster without losing your balance and you can even fly down hills without fear because you are so adept with the brakes and defensive cycling. And yet, and yet, the days are a calmer ride and the hills and valleys smoothe out. I welcome “issues” because I get to help my daughter on a deep level and it’s love on a really deep level.

I SO wish I had found this site in the months before my daughter was born, but I just say to myself, for consolation, at least she is not full grown and out of the house: I still have many years ahead of us and I never rush a day anymore. I am enjoying “getting this” : )

By: emily Thu, 10 May 2018 02:31:25 +0000 Can you addendum fora toddler/preschooler? I have a temperamental Taurus who turns 4 on Sunday. I would like to start this theory with confidence two years ago, please. Okay to start now? You mention “deliberate” in this post. I am sure the hitting or kicking or more physical reactions he has now are deliberate… is there a different NO for this?
