Comments on: Surprising Things Babies Might Do (If Given The Chance) elevating child care Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:36:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tisha Fri, 19 Aug 2016 19:04:37 +0000 i have been following your site for only about a year now(wish I had found it soon!) and have worked on trusting my son Elliot more and his abilities. Recently a few months before his second birthday, Elliot would climb on the chair then figured out how to sit on the table and just smiled and giggled at his accomplishment. One day I saw him standing in the chair so continued on task saying “be careful buddy”. When I turned to check on him again he climbed up on the table over to his high chair, stepped into it and sat down then burst into laughter! I was so amazed at him and have learned to be ok with letting him figure out his ability on his own. Thank you for the encouragement!

By: Janny Morales Thu, 18 Aug 2016 20:26:28 +0000 My family & I were spending last Christmas at my father’s 2-story vacation home. At one point, I heard a strange noise & looked around for the 11-month-old baby. I was confident that he couldn’t get up the (closed in & carpeted) stairs since he had been a late crawler and wasn’t too dilifent about the baby gate.

We found him in his bedroom upstairs, quietly playing with some toys. I about had a heart attack & am a little ashamed at this parenting fail, but still so proud & amazed that he was not only able to climb all the p up, but had the confidence & independence to try. He continues to surprise me with his climbing abilities–luckily, not because I’m not watching!

By: Roxana Thu, 18 Aug 2016 20:08:14 +0000 I’ve followed the RIE advice to talk to my baby from the beginning, involving him. I also ask him if he’d like to raise his bottom before I do it for him during changing. He really surprised me when he was 3 months he started doing it himself!
And even more impressed I was, when he was 4 months he started raising his bottom to signal that he pooped. Of course he’s now 4,5 months and he does it just for fun, still – babies are incredible and capable!

By: Michelle Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:30:16 +0000 Yes! We found our 10-month-old sitting on top of a low table where we’d stowed her abacus. I was delighted! My husband wanted to get her down. I said “Let’s see.” She got herself down, sure enough! She cried a little because she toppled over but she was fine–then did it again and was totally fine. I knew instinctively we should let her try to get down from where she’d climbed up to.

By: Erin Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:07:39 +0000 Just last night my 5 month old was reclining in a bean bag gnawing on his Sophie (teething) and he dropped her below his feet. I thought to myself, there is not a chance he can get that but instead of handing her back, I waited. He kicked his feet until she flipped onto his legs, then lifted his legs up in the air until she tumbled into his hands. I turned to my husband and said, “wasn’t that amazing!” And I immediately said a little thank you to RIE!

By: randi Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:03:03 +0000 When my now 18 month old was just over a year, I found her in her room sitting on the floor with her older sister’s a crayon and coloring book just going to town with that crayon. I had no idea she even knew what they were for! We were so impressed!

By: Sara Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:58:50 +0000 To give more information, I did not start requiring him to dress himself until about 2 weeks ago. Until then, I asked him to do it but when he would not, I did it for him without judgement. Also, we are having him assessed for mild autism. He doesn’t have a diagnosis yet though. But we just need some suggestions.

By: Sara Mon, 19 Aug 2013 07:20:47 +0000 What about when my three year old still will not dress himself? He is three years, three months old and he also will not feed himself with utensils. He would rather eat with his hands or not eat at all. I also have a ten month old and so managing feeding and dressing two children is tough for me to do! He ate food on my lap until I got pregnant again. On the other hand, my ten month old is already trying to use a fork and I love to see this! My son is very independent with every thing else, although he will not stay in his car seat when he climbs into it. He is advanced with gross motor skills and never had a problem in that regard. I would love to hear any suggestions you can give. He will dress himself and use utensils when I force him, but it just doesn’t feel right to force him.

By: Helen Fri, 26 Jul 2013 18:29:42 +0000 We started baby-led weaning with our small seven month old and I think it fits really well with the RIE approach too. Just last week I thought I would give him some water in a small shot-sized cup (actually a lid from a baby bottle). I was very shocked when he picked it up with two hands and sipped from the top (it was very full so he wouldn’t have to tip it back far). He couldn’t tip it back to get the rest so spilt it on the highchair and started teething on the cup (!) but it made me realise I shouldn’t make any assumptions about what he can/can’t do. Ok, his skills aren’t “perfect” – he still makes a mess but lovely to see them developing!

By: Catherine Thu, 11 Apr 2013 23:22:26 +0000 Thanks for yet another interesting, inspiring and thought provoking read.

As a teacher in an Infants ECE centre I am very blessed to be able to observe children chosing, creating and achieving their own challenges on a daily basis.

I also have my own children, two boys one aged 5years, and one 9mths.
When our 5 year old was very young I hovered over him, scaffolding his every move, not really knowing any better. Now, he is a capable and confident child, though he does become easily frustrated at times, and when he does he relies on the help of an adult (even if only verbal).
Since he was born Ive learnt a lot more about trusting children, babies especially, to guide their own learning.
Therefore, our 9mth old who is almost walking, has been crawling since 4 months, but only chose to ‘sit to play’ a week ago! (We have had so many comments, eg:”but hes such an early crawler, its so strange he is not sitting.”) Even at this early age he is very persistant with challenges and does not get frustrated very often, if at all.

What I have learnt has also made a big impact on my own personal teaching philosophy and practices.

Thank you for challenging my knowledge and beliefs, and for making me continuosly question and expand my skills both as a teacher and as a Mum.
– Catherine Stanton.
