Comments on: Baby Led Tummy Time: Rolling In The New Year elevating child care Sun, 01 Jan 2023 22:07:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kim Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:03:39 +0000 Hi Janet,

I am so glad I found your podcast and articles. I have a 5 month old and love discovering her communications, which I may have missed without your guidance (eg asking her if I can pick her up and waiting for a response).

I’m in Australia and tummy time is heavily promoted here too. My biggest fear associated with not doing tummy time is that my little one would learn to roll back to tummy first and could do this during the night and get stuck on her tummy, which would be a SIDS risk.

I’m wondering what you think. I’m also wondering if RIE babies perhaps learn to roll tummy to back quite soon after learning back to tummy.


By: Abby Henson Sat, 05 Jun 2021 15:57:30 +0000 In reply to janet.

If you’re interested, happy to provide the video!

By: janet Sat, 05 Jun 2021 03:08:08 +0000 In reply to Abby Henson.

Wonderful news, Abby! Thank you for sharing your story and all you very lovely support. You made my week!!

By: Abby Henson Fri, 04 Jun 2021 21:57:31 +0000 Janet,

I’ve been your follower for years and with my second child haven’t done any tummy time. She’s 15.5 weeks and today rolled from her back to her tummy all of her own accord, and I’m amazed! This is 2 months faster than her older brother, who I was “light” on tummy time with, but who still got it. While I know it’s not about how fast kids do things, this quick development has amazed me.

I’m so inspired by you and your work, and have inhaled your books and Magda’s. I loved the Baby Liv video as well, which made me put her on a bare wood floor today, when it happened… perhaps that was all she needed! Thank you!


By: Harmony Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:17:45 +0000 In reply to Avra.

Hi, I’ve been reading several (soooo many!!) of your baby related posts lately since having my second baby 9 weeks ago (I’ve been an avid follower for many years now with my eldest. I read your articles as my baby Bible 🙂
I’m curious to clarify the following; you often mentioning avoiding “being propped up to sit”
Does this refer to only to ‘equipment’ ie baby seats/swings etc or does it also extend to being held in various positions as well?
I often sit her up against my raised knees while I’m laying down so we can chat to each other, or sit her in my lap when I’m seated.
Could you please extrapolate your definition of being propped to sit.

Thanks kindly!

By: Sue Ann Sat, 07 Dec 2019 13:13:49 +0000 In reply to Avra.

Zero seconds.
My three Ivy League graduates, a doctor, a Phd and an MBA, never crawled. Excellent athletes, btw.
Listen to your kid and to your primitive instincts. Don’t let all the advice and analysis undermine your confidence. Stop thinking and start responding.

By: Lillian Barry-Suslavich Sat, 07 Dec 2019 13:08:57 +0000 In reply to Lisa Sunbury.

Listen to your kid. Be a mammal.
The expert is your child.

By: Tracey Wed, 02 Jan 2019 17:39:34 +0000 In reply to hakkawegian.

Hi Vanessa
I am on my third baby. My other two kids hated tummy time. I decided instead of torturing them constantly crying and me feeling guilt my last baby is going to be tummy time free. She is 4 months and rolled back to tummy in her own terms (when she rolled she also had the head strength to hold her head up) under two weeks later she is a pro and is starting to lean towards rolling back to tummy. She is the earliest roller in the family with zero tummy time. She doesn’t have a flat head at all and has her hair rubbed off in sections but it’s all evening now.

By: Marcia Walker Thu, 04 Jan 2018 13:11:33 +0000 In reply to Maggie.

I’m curious about this too. My LB (now 2) definitely preferred to sleep on his tummy as a baby (nights and naps). So I read some of the scientific research about sleeping on the back being safer in terms of SIDS, and I wasn’t convinced by it to be honest. I took the risk and let him sleep on his tummy (in the very early days due to severe reflux, this happened on my chest as we co-slept). His sleep (and mine) improved 100 fold. I would never recommend it to anyone (for obvious reasons), but I discovered that there are still many, many moms who allow it.

By: Lisa Tue, 02 Jan 2018 07:09:13 +0000 I wish I could share this with my new mums group but I would be looked upon as radical because ‘tummy time’ has become so ingrained in parenting practices. I am always blown away when we get together and they all, I mean ALL place their babies on the floor on their tummies to ‘play’ – I notice they can’t play because they’re frozen in an imaginary box?! I can only role model and place my boy on his back and he is the most active of all because he’s free to move! It’s just bizarre to me why they do this?!
On another note, this is a timely reminder to me because my boy is swinging his body to the side, preparing to roll and I just so want to give him a little nudge to go the whole way!! I’ll keep sitting on my hands though , thanks Janet
