Comments on: Set Limits Without Yelling elevating child care Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:53:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gail Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:53:57 +0000 Do you have suggestions about how to set limits and boundaries with kids who are 7,8,10 and 12? I give them clear instructions. I know they are capable of completing the tasks and they simply don’t. If Dad is home they will. But he is away from home for 13 hours a day. Which has lead to me yelling nearly every day. I just get fed up with the disregard to doing any tasks. We homeschool so we are all home all day. They whine about doing school and complain about having to do chores also. I’m feeling so overwhelmed because I don’t have a reasonable response when they simply don’t do what I’ve clearly laid out for them to do.

By: Keri Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:25:16 +0000 I have loved this approach of boundary setting and read about it long before my daughter was at toddler age which I think served me well having some realistic expectations but I find myself slipping into almost what feels like threatening rather than boundary setting. If you do xyz I will have to put it away/take it away etc. At first it felt like I was being up front with expectations and I try to have it sound supportive like hey kiddo I know it’s tough to keep the rice from the sensory at the table because you wanted to share some with the dogs‚ but I can’t let you do that. If it’s too hard to stop I will have to help you and we can put it away and try again later. And if there is another time it happens I follow through and validate her emotions and it’s a moment of sad and we hug and she moves on. However lately I’ve noticed her saying things like “I’ll be very careful” or “please don’t put it away I won’t do xyz again”. I just feel like she sees it as punishment which is of course not my intention. Any advice? Thank you!

By: Iuliana S Tue, 05 Jun 2018 21:12:30 +0000 Dear Janet,

You are a wonderful and trully blessed gift to a lot of parents out there and I am one of them. Thank you for writing my thoughts exactly and reading my mind so many times! You’ve changed my parenting and my family’s state to better so many times without even knowing it!
And after all that, I must say I’m finally brave enough to write here because this is exactly our situation in the present. Except my sun is almost 4 and he is doing this every single minute of every single day and both myself and my husband are exhausted.
I think one big cause is my mother in law, living with us, too. She will not hold any limit with him, and they spend a lot of time together while we are at work. But he does this with all of us and with every single subject.
I also noticed my sun’s behavior gets worse the manier we are. If it’s only one of us with him, he has a fairly good behaviour. The second one us the other 2 adults in the house comes home, behaviour gets worse. And when all 3 of us are with him, he usually just gets out pf control.
HELP! We are desperate and we don’t know how to truly evaluate and help in this situation.

By: Kathryn Tue, 20 Feb 2018 09:22:34 +0000 Wow. I have a 21 month old and this could have been our house! I do this too, I give her lots of chances, and the when something has happened one too many times, I snap and yell. This is now so clear to me. Thank you.

By: janet Wed, 27 Dec 2017 06:00:37 +0000 In reply to June.

Hi June, that sounds just fine to me.

By: June Tue, 26 Dec 2017 19:32:45 +0000 Hello, Janet!
Would it be another option if the mother acknowledges the toddler’s wants? “It seems like you want to throw things. We won’t have more toys to play with. Let’s find a different way to throw”. And then if the toddler still does it, setting a straight limit by letting the toddler know that mommy is going to close the door?

I would like to know. Thank you:)

By: Vicky Thu, 08 Dec 2016 12:55:24 +0000 Dear Janet,

thank you so much for all those wonderful articles! Reading them helps me through the tough times and makes me feel good in the good times!!

Today, I feel like I’m in desperate need of help though!

Our daughter (2y10m) is going through a very aggressive phase and by now we are at loss of how to handle this. She is screaming, hitting, biting, scratching and throwing things, taking her cloths off and melting down completely.

She was showing similar behavior when I was pregnant > gave birth > little brother (now 1.5y) started crawling and starting at her daycare center. She’s always been so good with her little brother and has shown so much love and affection towards him. Her aggression was always only directed towards me and at those times of changes she was leaning completely on her father (“Not mom, only dad” was what she was usually yelling).

Now she’s aggressive towards all of us. It’s like the minute she’s not getting what she wants, she’s falling apart and can’t snap out of it. It can go on and on for an hour and it really starting getting to us!

We understand it is part of her development and and my husband and I are trying to be respectful to her, her brother and to each other but OH MY it’s HARD these days!!!

My question is not about how to prevent it, but more about what we can do, when we missed the moment? What can we do to help her through her anger? To help her understand that we are there for her and love her, always and forever! Because being there and telling her does not seem to be enough! Whenever we do, she is just fighting us even harder.

Holding her makes everything worse, letting go of her too tough, because she is hitting and throwing things. I started putting her in her little brother’s baby bed, telling her, this is her safe space, where she can kick and hit the pillows, but she’s so big by now, it is easy for her to climb out.

I’m trying to put the “parent-hat” on and rationalize that I am 37 and she’s a tiny 2.5 year old but what I feel is powerlessness, helplessness and failure! It’s very hard for me to NOT take it personally. But believe me, I’m trying!

Yesterday she threw a CD case against my eye, managed to kick me in the face and in those moments I started losing it too! I’m pushing her away from me, yell and leave the room because I just can’t take it anymore. I feel like I just got one too many bite marks, scratches, bruises from my baby girl who I actually love to pieces. Where does all that anger come from?

I have done a lot of soul-searching: I have not been the best at setting boundaries. In hindsight I know that and I think I also know where it comes from: I’ve felt terrible about not being able to give her a hundred percent when I was pregnant with her baby brother and after he was born. She was not even 15 months old. She needed me as much as he did and I couldn’t give it all to her. I understood that she leaned so much on her father but it also hurt! A LOT! Maybe therefore I was softer, comforting more than needed, giving her more attention in moments where it would have been wiser to take a step back. I thought I was practicing RIE but I fell into the trap, because I was not clear and instead of setting boundaries, I was avoiding conflicts because I didn’t want to feel more rejection! And now it backfires!

Maybe one more thing: As of recent events, she started kindergarten 2.5 months ago. She started a little earlier than usual, because we felt that she is the happiest, when she is outside all day and were told that she is absolutely ready by the pedagogues in her old day care. She is fully potty trained and has very good speaking skills, in both Danish and German. It’s a wonderful forest kindergarten – we live in Denmark – with great pedagogues and where we know that she is very happy, once she is there. But getting her to go is a power struggle EVERY MORNING!

I would be so thankful for your insight and help!! Thanks in advance! Your comment will be highly appreciated!!!

By: Willow Mon, 31 Oct 2016 23:17:13 +0000 In reply to Theresa.

I hear you! My daughter is the same, only she is 7 years old. All the tips I read here work great on my son (who is a typical child) but they don’t work on my daughter. I need help with her!

By: Linda Mon, 31 Oct 2016 14:36:15 +0000 Oh Janet, this comes right in a moment when I’m feeling so sad because I feel like a failure. I am struggling too with a 2.5 year old boy who is testing me dozens of times a day. Reading this makes me think that I too wait much longer than I should before taking action until I feel worn out, with no patience left at all and I end up yelling. Doesn’t help the fact he is always looking for me, doing things with me, being on my lap or even nursing. As soon as I sit down he comes looking for nursies, when he plays he wants me there 8 times out of 10 and since beginning pre-school (not sure what it’s called in English..anyway, it’s the school I work at as well, so he sees me there with other kids) it’s obviously gotten worse (wants mummy for every single thing, even feeding sometimes, doesn’t want to be left home with anybody else but me when I go -once a week, the only 2hrs I keep for myself all week – to the swim pool). I try to have quality time with him everyday, but I obviously have a house to ‘run’ besides work so I can’t spend ALL the time playing with him. The icing on the cake is the screaming, he’s done that for ages. First screaming for no reason (and he has a voice so loud it’s unbbelievable) now both for no reason and when he can’t have something the way he’d like. We tried ignoring first then telling him that’s not the right way to ask or say things and replying only when he would say things in a normal voice. Works sometimes but not every time, possibily because we lost it a few times me and my husband and maybe he knows that’s a switch for us. When he yells right in your ear and you go deaf for a moment, it’s really hard to keep ‘cool’ so we were taht dumb to yell back’ stooop screaaaaming! Do you like this???’ I know, very low point. I never thought it would get like this, that I would end up this tired, frustrated and miserable for knowing I am not doing him any favour by being this ‘weak’, but that’s where we’re at right now and I have to admit I’m relieved those days when he naps in the afternoon (happens rarely…) and I know it shouldn’t be this way. I portrayed him like a bad kid, obviously he’s not, it’s just as if there was a communication breakdown many times. Sorry for venting this out, this article made me think I need to try again, in a different manner. Hopefully we’re still on time.. Anyway, thanks for your words, I will try and make some time for reading as many older posts as I can and read again your book – I have it and loved it but it seems I need a lot of repetition to get things stick to my brain.

By: Anca Mon, 31 Oct 2016 14:00:57 +0000 I love this article, as all advices from the website, I have both books, and I kind of have the same problem as Lauren, but don’t know what my “follow through” should be. My daughter is just yelling and being happy and joyfull and wonderfull, but the yelling is annoying sometimes because we know it bothers the neighbours. We live in an apartment block. What can we say, “I see you are yelling, after I asked you to keep your voice low now because it is evening, so I am going to…..?” To what? What can it be besides a punishment? I won’t punish her but I keep reminding her to keep her voice low , I do not have anything to follow though 🙂
