Comments on: The Secret To Your Baby’s Successful Life (Guest Post by Emily Plank) elevating child care Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:37:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Venetsanos Sun, 25 Aug 2013 20:02:18 +0000 Having gone through some of the comments from other readers I would like to say that being a scientist myself I do respect both researchers and the results of their work. Nevertheless I reserve my right to exercise my judgment. So when I hear about 30K words at 3 I thing of a number of college kids I know and I wonder whether so many words can be related to foot ball.

By: janet Tue, 21 Aug 2012 02:50:46 +0000 In reply to Hilary.

Hi Hilary and Julie! Here’s a post I’ve written all about diapering the RIE way. For cleaning faces and hands we take a similar approach. It’s all about slowing down and communicating, inviting the child to participate as much as possible, respect:

By: Hilary Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:26:01 +0000 In reply to Julie.

Like Julie, I too would like to know how to bring RIE to the diaper changing process, and also cleaning face/hands after meal time.

By: Ali Wed, 20 Jun 2012 01:09:48 +0000 ‘Facilitators of learning’ provide structure and tools… and support as required. This is best-practice teaching. At school, a teacher like this would typically be found at the back of the classroom or sitting down with a group of kids.

By: Julie Mon, 18 Jun 2012 17:04:24 +0000 In reply to janet.

I have tried to bring RIE to the diaper change process, but am struggling. Would anyone be able to tell me what it would look like, not at the end when we have come to understand how this works and implement it fully, but how it might look in the shift stage?


By: janet Mon, 18 Jun 2012 04:28:04 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Great story, Sarah! And this certainly isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. Children just want to be included and feel like their participation is valued. Thanks for sharing!

By: Sarah Sun, 17 Jun 2012 23:48:09 +0000 About 4 weeks ago i began, amongst other things, involving my 12 months old daughter in nappy change time. She had been really hating it, crying, arching back etc, but since repsecting her right to be fully part if the process, its totally different!!! She brings me a nappy now! She gets the wipe and tries to wipe by herself, she is sooooi excited to put each leg into the nappy. Thank u RIE (from sophie too!)

By: Emily Sat, 16 Jun 2012 21:57:26 +0000 In reply to Ren.

Hi Ren,
Thank you for your question! First of all, I truly believe that the children you are working with will develop into healthier, more whole people as you incorporate RIE philosophy into your interactions. People of all ages deserve respect – and by sharing this gift with young children, they learn they deserve respect.

I share some of your struggle. I am an in-home preschool teacher/daycare provider, and I can empathize with the need to prove ourselves — our clients have expectations for what we do with their children, and measuring productivity in early childhood settings can look very different, depending on who’s observing.

My experience has taught me how critical communication is. Have you heard the prase, “Expectation is resentment waiting to happen.”? 🙂 If parents expect daily craft products, lists of “we did this, and this and this…” — then they may be surprised to find you sitting and engaging *with* children rather than doing things to and for children. From my experience, the RIE philosophy makes a lot of sense intuitively, but it has to be explained. The tricky piece is figuring out how to explain without sounding condescending or “know-it-all” — perhaps you can send a link to some of the articles you have read on Janet’s website and ask, “What do you think? This feels very natural to me…or this makes a lot of sense.” When I had my first daughter, someone gave me the book, “Your Self Confident Baby” by Magda Gerber, and I gained a whole new perspective on some of the behaviors I would not have otherwise questioned: tickling, diapering, assisted motor development, etc. By sharing some of your thinking with your clients, it will probably pave the way for a healthy parent/child/care provider relationship. Being on the same page as the parents will be critical for a healthy relationship.

The RIE philosophy is not lazy or disengaged, in fact, it is the opposite! Engaging with chilren, observing and supporting their natural growth and learning takes a very intentional and present mind. Have you read any work by Magda Gerber or Emmi Pikler? The more versed you are in the philsophy, the more confident you will feel in communicating with your clients.

Another suggestion I have is transitioning slowly into a more RIE-esque approach. Beginning with diapering, you might decide to bring a respectful eye to your routines. After this begins to feel comfortable, maybe you would try chunks of 15 or 30 minutes at a time, sitting with the children and respectfully reflecting their play.

I hope this is helpful!

By: Ren Fri, 15 Jun 2012 23:26:25 +0000 Hi Janet/Emily,
I am starting a new nanny gig in August and I really want to give the gift of RIE to these children (16 months and 3.5 years). How do I stay out of the way but also not come across as a lazy caregiver?

By: Jean Fri, 15 Jun 2012 18:42:51 +0000 I have been trying to put these respectful actions into practice with my son over the past couple of months and it is really a hard shift to make once you are so used to doing things one way. I had always been conscious of talking to my baby throughout the day, always communicating one-way, but never really asking or waiting for a willing response before doing the diaper change, transitioning activities etc. It’s a beautiful gift for our children to be so respectful of them as little people. My 16 month old son seems to respond very well as I learn to give him a minute before a diaper change or let him wipe his own hands and face, carry a bowl of fruit, or undress himself before jumping in to finish it for him.
