Comments on: The Discipline Question No One Can Answer elevating child care Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:34:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlene Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:34:54 +0000 I raised two children and only spanked one of them once. No matter what I did, I could not get my son to stop running out in the street after the ball. I tried EVERYTHING. Finally, he did it again, narrowly missed being hit by a car and I knew that I had to try spanking. He never ran into the street again and I never spanked him again. I was a police officer for a number of years and can honestly say I’ve never hit anyone in anger. I have had to control situations by sticking people, but never when I was angry or provoked. I know for sure though, that that one spanking saved his life.

By: Joseph Sat, 08 Jan 2022 16:23:59 +0000 The question is disingenuous. Might as well ask if someone found absolutely that the moon was a cheesecake and you could get a bite by standing on a ladder, would you still refuse to climb the ladder?

You cannot raise a well mannered, healthy, and successful child without demonstrating to that child the concept of unpleasant consequences for unacceptable behavior.

And a child’s understanding of other-than-physical unpleasant consequences is undeveloped. They can’t conceive that the consequence and the behavior are linked. You then end up having to repeat the lesson excessively, when a swift moment of non harmful pain would have connected the behavior to the consequence instantly in their mind, obviating the need for any repeats.

Thus some form of corporal punishment is necessary to produce the healthy, successful, well mannered person you are trying to guide them into being. And spanking is the most efficient and effective form for this to take. If you think what you are producing is that, without spanking, you simply don’t understand what you have actually produced.

We can tell which kids don’t get spanked. We can all see that kids raised without corporal punishment are usually not good people. And if they seem okay it’s despite the lack in their training, certainly not because of it. You only think they are good because you are one of them, and it’s hard for anyone to admit to being messed up.

By: katrina Sat, 08 Jan 2022 15:10:22 +0000 I grew up with parents that spanked and have no issue discrediting what they did.

I guess I’m an exception, they made so many mistakes that I’m surprised when there is something they did that I find myself approving.

I was born into a cult that my whole family is luckily no longer a part of but when I was a child scheduled spankings or other more creative corporal punishments were the norm. I was mostly punished by other adults and when I was my mom (father was absent) it was always ordered by someone other adult and she spanked my teary eyed and saying sorry. it’s still fucked up and did not make me see the love in spankings, it just made me feel like we were both victims. still I preferred her spankings because they never hurt while the other adults would hurt me. as an adult I do blame now her for not protecting me and see that I was the only victim.

furthermore the spanking I remember getting were due to misunderstandings or adults deciding I had lied when I hadnt

I will never spank my kids

By: katrina Sat, 08 Jan 2022 14:57:45 +0000 In reply to Jill.

i grew up with scheduled spankings too and other corporal punishments such as washing the mouth with soap .

I was born in a religious cult and most punishments did not come from my parents. the few times my mom spanked was because some authority told her she had to and she always did with tears and saying sorry. .. still fucked up and I decided pretty quickly growing up that I could never spank. I think around when I got my first dog and had to decide how to train him

By: Talya Sat, 08 Jan 2022 09:22:16 +0000 Janet, I love the way you think and the way you teach, and we follow the RIE way. I don’t believe in hitting or hurting my children in any way. I’m not sure if this was the intent of the above article, but it just sounds a bit tongue in cheek, a bit facetious. Like you’re saying, well if I can come to the conclusion that I need to spank (in this scenerio) then parents that spank should be able to come to the conclusion not to spank. I think it’s a very one layered approach to years and years of repeated and accepted behaviour. I think it’s also about deregulated parents resorting to an action that has almost become imprinted in one’s DNA. I do not believe that you will reach anyone (other than those who already agree with you) with the above approach. It is super clear how abhorrent you believe the behaviour to be, that I just don’t buy this whole scene you’ve set out. It’s a bit condescending – I know you can reach parents who spank – I just don’t think it will be through this article. Perhaps brainstorming from anew will bring up new ideas. Anyway I still think you are brilliant and appreciate everything you do!

By: Liz Sat, 08 Jan 2022 04:18:54 +0000 In reply to miriam.

Thank you! I recently got into a discussion with my brother over my “rules” when it comes to spending time with my kids (they aren’t rules, just tips to assist in the time being spent together, hand washing after playing at an arcade was a request I made). After we both said our parts, I sat back and thought “do people ever wonder how I feel? How it feels to be the chain breaker? The cycle stopper? It is tough to sit there and argue with the people you love most over things that you have had to unlearn and then learn all over again. For my kids, I will make all the requests and continue to cry if I need to after I feel judged. I am committed to all the changes from the big to the small. So thank you, I needed to see this tonight

By: Sarah Sat, 08 Jan 2022 03:33:09 +0000 In reply to MamaLama.

Do you have a safe place you could put your child down while you walk away and take 10 deep breaths? Now that you’ve noticed what behavior triggers that kind of reaction for you, you could pro-actively calm yourself down and decide how you want to respond. That’s a short-term solution. The longer-term solution is the deeper work of being confident in yourself so that you don’t feel threatened by your child. Reading Janet’s blogs, attending therapy, and short daily mindfulness activities have been really helpful for me (educator not parent) in gradually becoming more even-keeled and confident in responding to challenging behavior.

By: Jill Tue, 22 Dec 2020 00:53:27 +0000 In reply to Julie Hahn.

I don’t spank my kids because I was spanked as a child so I swore I’d never do it I had found it caused a lot of harm to my mental health as I grew older,

By: Esther Mon, 21 Dec 2020 03:33:10 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth.

Sounds really stressful.
I wonder whether it is more helpful to pull over to help them each calm, feel understood, and repair with each other so the sibling rivalry is addressed. It sounds like they will keep fighting if they don’t have alternatives when they are frustrated or hurt with each other.

By: Elizabeth Sun, 20 Dec 2020 10:32:17 +0000 My 7-yr-old asked me why I’m allowed to smack him, but he’s not allowed to smack his little brother?
I pointed out that the last time I smacked them both, we were in the car. I was driving and they were fighting in the back seat. I asked them to stop, repeatedly. I pulled over, twice, and explained they had to stop fighting so that I could concentrate on driving – the road, other cars, pedestrians, cyclists, etc. The third time I had to pull over, I turned around and gave them each a smack on the leg. (It was only a 10-minute drive, too! We’re not talking about a road-trip, here!)
I explained to Mr 7 that when he’s doing something so dangerous that people could DIE, and he doesn’t stop even after I ask him, and ask him, and ASK him, and warn him that he will get a smack if he doesn’t stop, then he gets a smack.
He thought about this, and decided that it was reasonable.
