Comments on: The Happiest Babies Aren’t Shushed, Swung or Scheduled elevating child care Mon, 29 Jul 2019 23:27:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: ivonne wall Mon, 29 Jul 2019 23:27:37 +0000 I love this!!!! I want to let my toddler nap only when he wants to too but sometimes it gets so late he doesn’t end up wanting to sleep at night either, he already goes to bed at 930pm as it is, and sometimes he is tired (i can tell ) but still says he doesn’t want to nap….how then would i let him still not nap until he decides he wants to?

By: Eileen Wed, 04 Jan 2017 13:48:39 +0000 Thank you so much for all this information. I have a 2.5 year old and I have been reading your stuff since he was born. I didn’t have a a lot of experience with babies, but i knew we didn’t need all the crap advertisers try to sell to new moms. I love our relationship, our son is a person who lives here with us. he is not our property. and he can make choices and decisions. It’s amazing the perception twist when you think of babies as people. it makes so much more sense than coddling and babytalk and shaking things in their faces. I rarely tell him to ‘be careful’ i remind him occasionally to ‘pay attention to what you are doing” when he’s climbing. he’s become very physically adept. he can catch himself when starting to fall, he tests things before climbing. I love so much that he is learning to trust himself and his abilities. I thank you for all these ideas and for your supportive words when other people think i’m crazy.

By: Ruth Wed, 04 Jan 2017 05:46:08 +0000 I first have to say how much I enjoy reading and following your articles and approaches. They’ve helped tremendously with my toddler and I’m very grateful.

I do, however, feel this article really misrepresents the ‘Baby Whisperer’ style and approach – which is a great disservice to a woman who also devoted her life to helping guide parents to raise self-confident children.

Nothing in the ‘Baby Whisperer’ approach talks about forcing your child to do anything and emphasizes working ‘with’ your child in a respectful and loving manner… much the same way as the RIE method. Possibly the primary difference is that the baby whisperer offers a ‘suggested routine’ (NOT a hard schedule) that provides a newborn some consistency and expectation throughout the day. We followed her approach with our daughter and she was a very happy baby!

So, I feel it’s important to properly represent someone else’s life work


By: Veronika Thu, 11 Feb 2016 05:24:42 +0000 I’m new to this site, and have to say:
Janet, you rock my world! Every article I’ve read so far is simply genius. the fact that you respond to everyone and help so many mamas with information, suggestion or just moral support is priceless!
Thank you!

By: Nathalie Wed, 06 May 2015 20:22:25 +0000 So I’m reading the articles and the comments and maybe I’m just in denial of what has to happen but I feel overwhelmed and like it just isn’t possible to get my ten month old to sleep on his own and especially to fall asleep on his own. He has nursed to sleep pretty much every night and every nap unless he’s in the car. Does this approach require that I stop my life completely, in order to make sure I catch him at the right moment to go to sleep? That s how it occurs to me. The one night I work he stays home with his dad who usually just waits until he’s so exhausted all he has to do is pick him up and walk around and he falls asleep but that doesn’t happen until like 9 or 10:00 sometimes which I dont like. Is that okay? He doesn’t express upset the entire time and goes to sleep peacefully. Even when that happens he starts crying if he tries to pUt him in his crib. So right now he co – sleeps. I really want to get it so he can go to sleep without me because I’m switching jobs and its during the time that i usually put him down, 2 night’s a week. Right now I do a bedtime routine but when it comes to the going to sleep part he fights and fights. And has upset after upset. Last time we tried to get him to go to sleep without nursing he was being held by either me or his dad screaming his head off until we just couldnt take it anymore and I nursed him down. I want to make changes but I worry that he’s just not ready. And he gets long naps and enough sleep it seems because I nurse him. Otherwise i dont think he would nap long at all. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

By: Nina Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:08:39 +0000 My now 2 year old hated to be swaddled and i gave it up after only a few tries when he was a newborn. I used the baby whisperer techniques, but mostly as a guide,not a strict schedule,and my son responded well. I am about to have my 2nd and looking forward to combining what I’ve read on your blog with my past experience.

By: janet Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:59:01 +0000 In reply to KT.

Babies learn to control the Moro reflex sooner when they are given the opportunity. In other words, by allowing babies to move through this phase, they gain control. When babies are swaddled, their natural abilities are hampered and they have no control at all.

By: Victoria Halfpenny Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:55:10 +0000 I love this article, so many people think their kid needs this strict scheduled routine. My son use to fall asleep on the floor and I let him. My daughter slept anywhere and on the go all the time. And both now are very healthy 6 & 4 year olds and exceedingly flexible and adaptable which are keys I feel to creating well adjusted kids.

By: Kathryn Sat, 04 Jan 2014 08:41:33 +0000 In reply to KT.

I would love to hear a response to this as well.

By: Sarah Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:30:40 +0000 Just last night I was asked if I thought rie had really made a difference because my baby was just ” naturally easy” . Having done rie from birth there is no way to know how easy or otherwise she would have been if I parented differently but Stacey summed up exactly how I feel rie has impacted my our family and influenced that “easy nature” that others see in my daughter.
