Comments on: Creativity is Not Correct elevating child care Tue, 01 Mar 2022 17:20:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laraine Tue, 01 Mar 2022 17:20:58 +0000 In reply to Fiona.

Mind blown!

By: Megan Edmunds Mon, 01 Mar 2021 20:49:23 +0000 In reply to Krista.

This is a great point, my son has always loved numbers and so we would play games with him at breakfast like, if you have 2 stawberries and you eat one, how many are left?! he would gobble a strawberry then proudly announce, 1! he got such a kick out of this he would walk around the house asking to play “the number game”. Hes now in grade 1 and we play word problem games in the car to kill time like “if you had 4 cookies and your sister took one, how many cookies would you have and how many would she have?” he gets great joy out of adding up or subtracting all number of things in his life. I think it should be based on if the activity is something the child initiates or if it is something the parent is forcing on the child.

By: Emma Tue, 04 Aug 2020 21:32:37 +0000 I’m curious as to what your advice would be to homeschooling families?
We homeschool our children, and so as part of their learning I do have to ask them questions to gauge their understanding and inform my future teaching. I am passionate about child-led, play based learning and so don’t tend to ask things in a ‘high pressure’ way, we do most learning through games etc but do often question them none the less!
What would be your advice for this situation?

By: Maryna Fouche Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:27:22 +0000 My son is very creative and a true artist. He regularly comes up with weird and wacky ideas. Some a bit more outrageous than others. My husband and I are very careful not to shoot down everything… I want him to share everything with me. I realise that he has to learn to sift through a lot of ideas to eventually end up with the great ones. It has taken me a while to understand that not everyone understands him like we do. And I have learnt to throw a blind eye to judgemental people

By: Kimberly Fri, 28 Feb 2020 00:46:20 +0000 In reply to Debbie.

I love this perspective, and this is such an interesting topic. At 18 months my daughter was diagnosed with a delay in expressive language. We put her in speech therapy; overall it has been a positive experience for us. She is now a little over 2, and at this point both the speech therapist and I have very little concerns with her language development. Right now we are mainly working on minor articulation issues. My daughter still has another 4 months before she will be re-evaluated. My concern is that there is now an intern working with my daughter (since mid-January until May) along with her regular speech therapist in the room, and me. My daughter does not have a rapport with the intern and has been shutting down a little bit, and I can imagine that it’s stressful for my daughter to be this little person in a room with 3 adults and having to answer questions and then being corrected on the way she is responding! I don’t know if I am being overly critical/sensitive, but I also feel that the intern isn’t very positive with my daughter. It’s hard to explain with a specific example as it’s more about the tone that she uses in the sessions. I am curious about your thoughts on this!

By: Cynthia Cunningham Shigo Thu, 27 Feb 2020 22:17:35 +0000 I am a grandmother very involved in my grandson’s care, as well as about to have a new granddaughter any moment. Several things strike me. We often play “learning games” that my grandson enjoys. He is a phenomenal child, already reading at age 3, about second grade level now. I play these games because he likes them, not to quiz him. We play rhyming games and counting games and alphabet games, often when we are driving in the car. We both find these games very amusing. Yesterday we played an alphabet game that went like this: I am an Anteater from Austria selling Artichokes. I am a Baboon from Bolivia selling Bananas. He found it so funny, and it was a game adapted to his personal interest in all things alphabetic and in geography. He then said, “Grandma, I can count by 2s,” and did so. Then by 5s, then by 11s. I do not know where he learns this stuff! Then he said, “I can count by 100s” to 1000. And I answered “You could count by 1000s to 10,000.” And he said, “I could count by any number to a billion! But it would take a very long time.” Then we laughed uproariously at his joke. So my point is, when learning games are fun, they are not quizzing. But I only introduce games I know he will enjoy.

By: Jasmine Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:04:42 +0000 In reply to janet.

I have the same inner struggle now after reading this article.
When me and my 2yo read a book of colors or shapes, I ask him what color is this or what shape is this what animal etc. when for example we see the color red and he says orange I say,’ oh yes it is a bit orange to me it seems red’. And when we see a caviar and he will say Rabit I will say, yes I think this is very similar to rabit the name is cavia and it does look very much like rabit to me as well.
I am trying to teach him stuff along the way.
When we play a game which is designed to be a puzzle and he starts stacking it I will say oh you’d like to build a tower huh? And I will either let him do that or join the game..
I hope I am not quizzing him too much or pushing him.
Thank you for this interesting topic

By: Nicola D-L Tue, 10 Jul 2018 20:02:01 +0000 Hitting the nail on the head!!’ As always! Love the quote from Magda 🙂

By: janet Mon, 11 Jul 2016 05:47:16 +0000 In reply to Courtney.

Children are natural self-learners and I would trust them to direct their own learning in the early years… What is it that you want to teach your child?

By: Courtney Mon, 11 Jul 2016 00:25:38 +0000 In reply to janet.

Thank you so much! Do you reccommend any specific resources for helping children learn things at home while maintaining the rie method?
