Comments on: Sassy, Bossy, Back-Talk elevating child care Mon, 29 Jul 2019 03:30:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caroline Mon, 29 Jul 2019 03:30:45 +0000 In reply to janet.

I love this because my three year old son is in the phase of telling us to “shut up” and being more defiant than normal. He is almost 3 1/2 . He will listen to my husband because he is gone a lot and I am with him most of the time but when it is only my toddler and myself, he can be pretty bad. It’s embarrassing when he tells others to shut up or will talk about bad guys he see’s on tv and even told my dad that he was going to kill his dog. I know he doesn’t understand a lot of what he says now but I have taken him aside and spoke with him one on one. It can be hard being so calm in difficult situations like this.

By: Cindy Mon, 22 Jul 2019 13:17:02 +0000 In reply to Lisa Sunbury.

I have two grandchildren 9 yr old grandson and 2 yr old granddaughter that have had a tough time in their own home and are spending more time with us this summer , now I come from a very strick home and raised my daughter accordingly never had any problems like we do with the grandkids , not my daughters kids they are my stepdaughters who had a rough childhood.
These kids are so disrespectful and rude , the little one uses foul language hits screams tells me to stop it intentionally breaks things, the older one doesn’t talk back but gives that look and has no respect for other people’s things says he doesn’t care does spiteful things.
I hold my cool most of the time but after a few days I have been known to lower my voice and roughly pick up the little one and sit her down and tell her not to speak to me that way. The older one is bigger than me so I just lower my voice at him.
If I was to ever speak to my parents or grandparents or be disrespectful in any manor like these children my behind would have been sore the next day.
Its truthfully embarrassing , to the point I won’t take them to family functions or church activities. I love these little ones but am wore to a frazzel.

By: SF Thu, 06 Sep 2018 23:20:28 +0000 In reply to Anjie Orlowski.

Stop blaming yourself. Your child is acting selfishly and disrespecting others. The authors advice to continual avoid correcting this behavior is terrible. Your reaction is not causing the behavior. All children go through this and it is your job to correct it or raise a maladjusted child no one wants to be around.

By: karina black Fri, 06 May 2016 05:10:17 +0000 This is all hitting home to me. My 3.5 year old has been speaking very rudely to me lately and even saying “shut your mouth” which infuriates me. I do let his words and aggressive behaviors get to me. A lot. He is very bright, funny, charming, sweet and articulate. Very precocious in his vocabulary and dramatic, intense, and charismatic. He loves to get a rise out of me, i know it makes him feel powerful. The last few nights, at bed time, he said “shut your mouth.” I said I don’t want to be around you when you say rude things to me and left the room. He followed because he likes me to snuggle him almost to sleep. I put him back in his bed while he kicked and screamed. Then he followed me out again and yelled and tried to hit me. I tried putting him back in his bed again and again and the cycle continued until his dad stepped in and calmed him down. It was a mess. In the end, I snuggled with him and he fell asleep. What should I have done when he said “shut your mouth” in a bed time situation? What should I have done when he kept following me out of his room? I read your articles and they are great, but in the real situations, I can’t seem to get it together. Help!

By: Cara Wed, 16 Mar 2016 02:58:48 +0000 In reply to janet.

After reading your article on consequences, I feel like maybe I’ve been handling it correctly after all! Thanks! I needed that after a trying few days.

By: janet Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:11:25 +0000 In reply to Cara.

Hi Cara! It would be a consequence (the honest kind I agree with and explained here: in that you are essentially saying, “I don’t feel taking you somewhere when you are talking to me rudely.” That’s honesty and not being a doormat. I would say it in the kindest, gentlest, most matter-of-fact manner.

By: Cara Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:02:25 +0000 In reply to janet.

Hi Janet!
You mentioned that you wouldn’t jump to help her, or take her on outings if she were treating you rudely. I’m wondering what you might say in that situation? What might this conversation sound like with a 4yo? When this happens with my 4yo daughter, I feel like I’m creating a “consequence” by cancelling plans for an activity.

By: Natasha Tue, 15 Mar 2016 02:34:21 +0000 Hi Janet,
Great article. I have boy/girl twins who are 5 years old and I will be employing some of these strategies with them.
One question. In the event that the child is being disrespectful to a grandparent, etc., what would the time-in look like? Can you give me specifics?
Thank you!

By: janet Sat, 03 Oct 2015 02:47:41 +0000 In reply to Anda.

🙂 Thank you, Anda

By: Candice Fri, 02 Oct 2015 18:17:33 +0000 Hello Janet!
A couple questions for you- as far as deactivating a toddler, if in the heat of the moment, you can’t think of a good response, what if the parent just walks away instead of the parent saying the wrong thing? Wouldn’t that be the most deactivating? And as far as the toddler throwing objects at the parent, could this be a sign that the child needs more boundaries or limits (parent saying “I won’t let you do that” as I’ve heard you mention in other posts)?
