Comments on: The Curse of Respectful Parenting elevating child care Sun, 10 Jul 2022 02:41:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cat Sun, 10 Jul 2022 02:41:08 +0000 In reply to janet.

Well Janet- you did call him “ridiculous” after previously saying his methods may have some validity- being a long term infant/toddler teacher and Childcare Director- as with most advice–listen but then go with your instincts, what works for you and your child who is as unique as the rest of us, and find a middle ground- Dr Karp isn’t nefarious or abusive- and it’s not like he stumbled upon his methods- think of the years of his life he has dedicated.

By: Marie Thu, 16 Jan 2020 04:47:56 +0000 In reply to Chris.

Swaddling does no damage. As a statistician (and mom), my perspective on infant sleep is that the safest thing is whatever avoids exhaustion. Exhausted adults are dangerous to themselves and others, especially behind the wheel.

Once you’re through that worst part of it, worry about parenting philosophy or whatever. I personally don’t adhere to any of them, but sample widely for ideas, keeping what works and fits my values.

By: Kathryn Fri, 02 Aug 2019 23:40:34 +0000 Hi Janet,
During my pregnancy, I read the book ‘Baby Knows Best’ which I thoroughly connected with so I was aware of RIE. However, when i look back to my baby’s first months life I have to admit I was introduced to the 5 s’s & used some of them constantly (specifically Swaddling and Shushing). I’m now back to reading your books and listening to your podcast (which i LOVE), and am worried I may have done some damage to my baby girl in those first months? What are your thoughts on that? She is now almost 14 months.

By: Kimberly Sun, 27 Jan 2019 02:22:30 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

When a baby is colicky they are not going to be uncolicky based on what we do. We can help them with positions etc but the pain and discomfort is there and they are going to cry. This post really reiterated to me the sense of listening to the baby and not feeling responsible if we are unable to quiet them. For me, mostly I panicked with my first when he had colicky (for8 months+) ( food allergies), because I felt like a failure. I did listen to him but also didn’t, just like you said. If I had known all of this now I feel like I would have been more confident and relaxed… next step… getting through that guilt. Always something. Thank you Janet. I mostly find much healing and learning through your writings and it has been nothing short of amazing.

By: Alexis Sat, 26 Jan 2019 19:35:42 +0000 As a new, anxious, unknowing mom, we followed his recommendations with our first born. Looking back, I wish I could change it all. I can’t tell you what led me to his book or what resonated with me about it. I remember getting strange looks from people when I talked about it. Putting our son to sleep always felt like a crazy difficult task. Now I know it wasn’t respectful or natural. I see lasting effects in him and I feel horrible for it. Even my therapist turned her nose up at me about it. (I no longer see her.) I am so glad to have found Janet Lansbury for her respectful caregiving recommendations. I’m hoping we can undo some damage and move past the guilt.

By: Jimena Sat, 26 Jan 2019 18:41:34 +0000 I wanted to share this video, which to me sums up how perception changes the way we connect with infants. It is in Spanish but It doesn’t need translation to be understood.

By: Seven Sat, 15 Oct 2016 12:33:13 +0000 I am unsure how old this post is but I am just discovering RIE in 2016. My daughter is 7 months right now and I must say RIE sort of came natural to me. I always knew it was best to talk to her. I could always tell that she was aware that I was talking to her and she would respond if she knew a way. Now she does give lots of communication. We’ve even been doing EC and she has been using the potty at least once a day since she was 5 months.

I have seen many videos like the one from Karp of someone claiming to be a “baby whisperer” with a way to basically just “shut your baby up” and honestly this just goes to show what kind of society we live in. Very disconnected we have become.

I dont really involve my family with my child because my style of parenting is so foreign to them and I am constantly being judged and told that I will regret the way I treat my child. There was even a time when a relative of mine said “She’s not a person, she’s a baby!” Before she was even 3 months old I was told “If that were my child she would be more independent”. So I’m not surprised that people all over the country are treating babies this way, its very disappointing, but somehow we have been conditioned into this way of thinking.

By: Lola Fri, 04 Dec 2015 02:55:39 +0000 In reply to Rachel.

Not sure how old this post is but I just found it…I totally support Rachel.
Until you don’t have a colicky baby you have no idea what it means to let a baby cry…
I love RIE and I don’t find anything unrespectfull about the 5 S’. It saved our lives during the hardest months of my newborn daughter.

By: janet Thu, 20 Feb 2014 01:30:44 +0000 In reply to Lee Fernandez.

Thank you, Lee.

By: janet Mon, 23 Sep 2013 12:41:37 +0000 In reply to KM.

KM – thank you so much for sharing your story.
