Comments on: My Baby Can’t Sit elevating child care Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:37:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chelsea Townsell Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:37:55 +0000 Hi Janet,
I believe so vehemently in your guidance that it has completely changed me as a parent. I am calmer, more patient, and so much less anxious. Thank you for that. My daughter is 8.5 months old and not rolling. She can sit unassisted (only if I sit her, though) and rotate in her crib using the legs of the crib. She can bear weight on her legs. But I keep reading your advice about kids meeting milestones when they’re ready and am stuck. How do you know if they’re just not ready or if there is a problem which needs attention? Thank you!!

By: Kristi Tue, 26 Feb 2019 05:24:29 +0000 In reply to janet.

Unfortunately our pediatrician continues to recommend teaching her to sit up (which I tried to ask her how that would help but she did not really provide an answer – other than what I think she meant to connect as her not eating solids yet and not sitting up on her own, even though I explained I hold her when offering solids). The only other testing she has recommended is to get blood work done since she is essentially exclusively breastfed and therefore have low iron at this point.

By: janet Sun, 24 Feb 2019 15:40:03 +0000 In reply to Kristi Thompson.

Yes, if you have concerns, there are times to intervene, but I would work with professionals who value natural motor development, like this wonderful organization: The Anat Baniel Method. Does your doctor recommend an assessment?

By: Kristi Thompson Sun, 24 Feb 2019 06:21:31 +0000 I have loved following the RIE method for natural gross motor development – although it definitely continues to be a challenge in a society that puts so much pressure on you to do it another way! My 1year old daughter has very high quality rolling (not sitting up on her own yet) and maneuvering on the floor and is just now showing signs of crawling (pushing self forward just a bit here and a bit there, putting knee down and stretching forward while extending leg) but the pediatrician mad ena remark that she is behind. She is very petite and recently been stagnant in weight gain (I’m hoping just because of increased activity but kinda concerning) and then “not meeting milestones”. She has always hit each milestone a bit late, she didn’t start rolling until 6 or 7mo old. So is there ever a time where it is recommended to “intervene” with the natural progression of development if they are “behind”?

By: Caroline Dale Thu, 20 Oct 2016 17:08:38 +0000 This is a really fascinating topic and I am particularly interested in it. If you go to the website below and look at the images on page 22 of the article, you can clearly see what happens to a baby’s body when it is made to sit up before it is ready. I don’t think anyone would ever do it again! You will have to register to look at the article but it’s really worth the time.

I hope this is helpful and or interesting.

A Study in Infant Development
Alma Frank
Child Development
Vol. 9, No. 1 (Mar., 1938), pp. 9-26
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development
DOI: 10.2307/1125518
Stable URL:

By: Jona Sat, 26 Dec 2015 15:27:46 +0000 I have the same sentiment, my baby will be 9 months in a few days but is not sitting yet nor trying to sit. She loves to explore though, rolling over and crawling (military crawl), reaching anything that interests her. She also loves babbling, she says “Ma-ma-ma” and “Na-na-na”. I do have another concern though, when I try to get her in a standing position, she does not bear weight on her legs, she sometimes do try but in a way where it’s butt out and stomach in. I’ve mentioned this to our pedia but he seems not to be bothered at all. My brother-in-law’s wife who’s also a pedia do advise to have my baby check by a developmental pedia. Anyone having the same issue?


By: Jessica Tue, 08 Dec 2015 00:09:42 +0000 Hello Janet-

I love your website and method of parenting. My husband and I have incorporated many of your philosophies into our parneting since our daughter was born (respectful speaking, waiting for her to acknowledge our statements before acting, simplistic baby items, lack of holding devices, ample independent play). However, I did start propping her around the time she was 3 months old after breastfeeding (advsiement from my doctor) due to her terrible reflux. She has gotten to the point where she sits well without propping, but must be placed in that position. I was told that she needed to be able to sit well before we could begin feeding her solids at 6 months. She is now 5 months old and sits extremely well playing with toys and can get herself out of that position. It doesn’t seem to have hampered any of her rolling, kicking and scooting which she does constantly. My concern is that she keeps grabbing my hands and pushing herself to stand. Once standing she is trying to take steps. She is not able to pull up on her own yet. We have a montessori set up with a low shelf and pull up bar available for her in her movement area. What should I do about this behavior? Thanks so much for your time!

By: Connie Wed, 07 Jan 2015 13:31:29 +0000 Hi Janet,

I just came upon RIE and want very much to do this for my baby. He is just shy of 9 months and I have been one of those moms who used the bumbo and have the table with the seat to sit him in so he can “walk” around it. I have also sat him up for awhile to where he can sit on his own and lean forward to get things he wants, but he will still fall over to the side or back and so I cannot really put much distance between us when he is playing. He also has not crawled but always reaches for me to pick him up and recently my husband and i have been helping him “walk”. He loves this very much. It is hard because I kept feeling I was doing him a great disservice, but I couldn’t exactly put my finger on what I was doing wrong. Now with him 9 mos, is it too late to start? I have began putting him on his back every time I put him down now and he is already progressing very fast. He is very strong baby and learns quickly, but I am afraid he will think ill of me if I am not continuing to do the things I have been doing. Is it ok to start here now? Is it too late or what are your suggestions? I give him a lot of encouragement and believe in babywearing and demand feeding as well. He is not on solid foods yet and still just wants breastmilk. He is a very healthy 21.5 lbs. I want to respect him and encourage him in the natural way of things…please help! Thank you 🙂

By: Kristin Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:25:06 +0000 I am wondering if I can implement this now even though my son (9mo) can sit if I put him in that position. Will it take long for him to adjust to being placed on his back when I put him down? I am totally new to this and I try to read blog posts when I am getting the baby to sleep. Thanks!

By: Victoria Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:27:17 +0000 I encountered this exact situation but my daughter was 9 months and not sitting. My friends’ children were the same age and their children could sit but were not mobile at all and never reached for toys. I got a couple of condescending comments from the other mummies. A month later we met again. My daughter was sitting, crawling and pulling up to stand. The other 2 had just started crawling. It’s amazing how it all comes together so quickly when nature takes its course.
