Comments on: 7 Gifts That Encourage Child-Directed Play elevating child care Thu, 15 Dec 2022 11:29:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice Thu, 15 Dec 2022 11:29:43 +0000 In reply to Alissa.

Hi Alissa,
I am not sure how long ago you posted this but I am in a very similar situation with my 27 month old girl. She is very hesitant to go down and even up stairs without holding my hand. She also cries and won’t move unless I help her just like your son.
My daughter never crawled as a baby and I am not sure if that is a direct result of my parenting or if she is just one of those kids that walk before they crawl.
I couldn’t see an answer to your question and am wondering if you found a way to deal with this issue?
I feel I have reached a stage where I have created a fear in my child that prevents her from trying to develop her motor skills independently and am stuck as to how to help her.

Janet, if you are reading this, I would greatly appreciate your opinion.
I love your website and have listened to a lot of your podcasts over the last few months. Thank you.

By: Jillian Mon, 01 Apr 2019 14:30:43 +0000 In reply to Sabrina Marshall.

My daughter was about 2.5 months old when she started showing a distinct interest in objects — looking at them, grabbing them. Although even before that things might be interesting to look at. We’ve also had fun playing with our shadows, since they are so high contrast, although that’s not quite a toy.

By: Sabrina Marshall Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:12:04 +0000 Hi there! I love reading these posts and I am really learning a lot. I have a question, what is the most appropriate age to start providing your baby with gifts that encourage self directed play?

I’m a nervous first time mom and my baby is only 1 month old. I am torn between the old way of thinking where you must do all you can to aid them in their development so at 1 month it would be mobiles, play mats etc and the philosophy of RIE which I just love. Any advice I can get here for my 1 month old would be great and when to start with simple toys. Thank you all in advance with love!

By: Gili Sat, 17 Dec 2016 07:34:41 +0000 Hi, I enjoy very much reading your posts!
I have a question, my four and a half son is my only child and my husbands theird son, he has two teenagers from a previous marriage. He loves his brother and sister but at the time to play with them, sadly it’s all about screen. So when he is not not whit them he preffers watching tv or playing with me, he wont play by himself, he is always around me and rarely spend time by himself.
How do you suggest I should encourage him to do do?
Thank you in advance!

By: Sapana V Thu, 15 Dec 2016 16:09:44 +0000 Nice gift options for kids. It is necessary that they learn with playing.

By: Marj Bryen Fri, 29 Jan 2016 22:46:10 +0000 In response to Jennifers question about cruising l am a pediatric physical therapist and many children go through a phase when they are motor driven and that is the goal they want to work on. This is normal and will diminish as walking skills improve

By: Jennifer Mon, 22 Jun 2015 06:13:18 +0000 Hi! Love RIE and this site but just wanted to mention… BEWARE OF WHIFFLE BALLS!!! Great idea, but it reality the plastic on many of these shreds very easily even when “gummed”! My baby was playing with one and I found little flecks of colored plastic on the floor. I don’t have a source for a good whiffle ball…

By: Savannah Wed, 06 May 2015 12:24:52 +0000 Hi Janet,

I am new to RIE and just starting to try and implement all of these wonderful ideas from your site. My 10 month old daughter LOVES to cruise and climb. She has a few toys (wood stackers, sorters, blocks, balls) but shows no interest in them for more than a couple of minutes before she begins to cruise. She does enjoy looking at books. Is cruising and “reading” enough for her development at this age? I don’t want to interfere with her play but am wondering if I should try and keep her in a smaller confined space with her toys to try and encourage her to play with other objects? Thank you so much!

By: sana Sun, 22 Feb 2015 04:48:55 +0000 i live in Canberra , Australia and need to buy step climber/rocking boat but cant find it and online shopping has very expensive shipping fee, is there any place in Australia i can buy it atleast similar price to that in America ? thanks

By: Doris Byrne Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:00:30 +0000 This is a great. I love reading things like this on the website, I intend using some of the ideas mentioned in the playgroup, and in my course.thanks
