Comments on: Help, My Toddler Can’t Play Without Me! elevating child care Sat, 02 Oct 2021 20:20:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ana Sat, 02 Oct 2021 20:20:48 +0000 Hi! First of all, sorry for my English.
My 3.5 yo child hardly ever plays alone. Its OK for me at home but not in the playgrounds. I dont have the energy enough to do all the things he tells me! I tell him: im tired and i cant do it but i can stay close and watch you but he cries and gets mad and yells: nooo, you are not tired! He also finds difficult to socialize with other children and ask me to answer the questions they make (whats your name, age… ) if he wants a toy from other child, he also asks me to tell the child if he can use it… No matter if there is a friend of him he really loves, he also ask me to play with him. It is something new, not always has it been like this and im worried something is happening. Thank you for reading.

By: janet Mon, 08 Feb 2021 04:29:14 +0000 In reply to Ice.

Hi! It needs to be okay for him to follow you around and do whatever he does. This is part of his process — checking to see if you are comfortable with these boundaries, so that he can eventually let go and begin to enjoy occupying himself with self-directed activities. Our job is to say what WE will do, but not to dictate what our child does during that time. If his behavior gnaws at you in any way, he might continue to get stuck there, testing. So, I would let this be and carry on with confidence, so that he can free himself of this dependence on you.

By: Ice Sun, 07 Feb 2021 22:57:43 +0000 My 3 years old just refuses to play independently. I have been very very consistent to set out 20 to 30 mins a day for my child to play by himself (usually after we play together). Our toys are only open ended, but as soon as I announce it’s “individual time”, mommy do my own thing, you do your own thing, then he would clean up what we were playing, and said he doesn’t wanna play. he literally said he just want to follow me around. I set my boundary to minimize interaction during that 20 to 30 mins, but just like that, everyday, he would choose to just sit beside me, if i choose to read a book, and stand at the kitchen looking at me while i was cleaning dishes …. what else can i do so he can play by himself

By: Priti Tue, 08 Dec 2020 12:00:05 +0000 Hi Janet,

I have been a RIE parent since my son ( now 32 months old) has been around 6 months. Everything about RIE resonates so much. I am absolutely in love with the knowledge you share on this channel. It has helped me immensely. However I struggle with my sons independent play. And I am unable to figure out what I could be doing wrong

My son constantly tries to involve me mostly through constant questioning about everything when he plays. I will be sitting next to him, giving him my full attention but I struggle to be in a passive mode when he is constantly asking me questions about his toy or play. He would continuously ask me questions like “what is this colour” or what is this? Pointing to a wheel on a car(even though he knows all the answers) It is like he wants me to get involved and is not content with my passive attention. I have never been involved in his play and always only watched him in a passive mode so I don’t understand what could have led to this. I feel bothered and disappointed that he is unable to get lost in his play and is constantly trying to involve me. I know I could be missing something but I don’t know what. I have gone back and forth through all your podcasts and articles on play but I still can’t figure out the problem. Also while he is great at imaginative play, he does not enjoy exploring blocks or puzzles and loses interest pretty early.
P.S . His play area has large windows from where he can see lots of activity outside on the roads. He does get distracted by that a lot of times when I am not with him. Do you think this is a distraction for him?
Your response will be so greatly appreciated

By: Laraine Fri, 06 Mar 2020 20:03:45 +0000 My 3, nearly 4 year old wont play alone anymore when we are at home. And the three reasons you gave for this at the beggining of the article do not fit our issue at all. I do believe in spending quality time with kids is important. But I do not believe it is my job to entertain them, nor do I feel guilt when I say no and they get upset.
However. She simply will not play on her own at home. She constantly asks me too and if I say no she does nothing, just wanders around the house and asks again 10 or 20 min later. If I do agree to play, because I’m willing and have the time, she will stop playing the moment I do. She will not continue the game on her own. Why? Its driving me nuts. She should be able to play happily on her own and not be so darn codependent. And its not me…I constantly encourage her to go play on her own. I remind her that she is a child, her job is to learn and play and that I’m a grown up and have others things I must do.

By: janet Mon, 16 Sep 2019 18:26:11 +0000 In reply to Bethany.

Hi Bethany – I’m so sorry that this advice did harm to your child! Can you describe what you did and the harm that resulted? I would love to understand what happened.

By: Bethany Mon, 16 Sep 2019 16:31:19 +0000 I have a child with apraxia-motor planning disabilities and developmental delays….I always took this approach and it ended up doing more harm than good.

Some nuero-diverse children don’t know how to play by themselves and need parent lead modeling- language suppport- involvement in their play.

By: Melissa Sun, 21 Jul 2019 15:57:36 +0000 Hi Janet,
Our 3.5 year old is highly spirited, inquisitive, and high energy. When left unsupervised he often does things like write on the walls, get food everywhere, destroy things, pee or poop on the floor. I feel like I am having to manage him the whole time, otherwise I come back to a disaster that I have to clean up and end up getting furious about. I really resent having to spend every waking moment with him. I am at my wit’s end. I really wish I had the kid who would just sit and read a book in his room, but we do not have that. I’m concerned you’re just going to say that we have been causing him to behave this way, but our child truly is destructive if we do not manage him. Do you have any advice for people with “highly spirited children”?

By: Maggie Thu, 11 Apr 2019 14:19:23 +0000 In reply to janet.

I am coming to your books and blog later than I would have liked (eldest now 6) and I now recognise how my own feelings and behavior have led me to inadvertently inhibit independent play, especially in my firstborn – so I’m glad you say it’s never too late! I agree that as you say in the above comment there is no set amount of time you can recommend for connection. However, I wonder whether you (or any other posters) could recommend how individual parents might judge how much time they should be spending attentively with a child? In other words, how you might identify when a child NEEDS more of this, as opposed to WANTS more of it?

We are trying to help our two children, especially the eldest, play more independently, using the techniques you recommend. As expected, when we firmly set a boundary that we will not play with her at a given time, she cries/has a tantrum. However, we have now been doing this for some time: in fact, we started when she was still in preschool about a year ago; her teachers there had noticed that she struggled with not having constant adult attention and worked on this with her during the day (it’s a Montessori preschool so they are very pro-independence). While she has improved, and is now capable of focusing on lego or drawing etc for long periods, she still tantrums, a lot, when we ask her to play by herself for a certain time.
I initially assumed that her tantrums about this were the ‘hard bit’ in the above article, and would fade over time as the child learns (a) that no means no, and (b) how to play independently. However, tantrums are still happening a lot. It could be that we have not been firm / clear / unambiguous enough in setting these limits, so that she hasn’t been able to grasp them. However I am now wondering whether it’s also (a) her personality (she is a complete extrovert, talking constantly, and is very social; one of the most stubborn and persistent people I have ever met; is often overcome with frustration (at herself or others, i.e. tantrum) when her plans don’t work out) or (b) that we are not spending enough attentive time with her, so she is still seeking more of this, despite now knowing how to play independently.

I am concerned about the last possibility: with work, children, eldercare, household stuff, and little to no family support, we are at the limits of what we can fit into each day. This is why we got into this mess – we were very intensive with the girls when we were with them, as we were away from them such a lot. However, my husband says that while our eldest may want more time with me, she doesn’t need it. Any suggestions as to how we can tell whether he’s right?

By: Denise Sun, 30 Dec 2018 08:43:55 +0000 Hi Janet- I also feel desperate for advice. My 4yo son does not seem to have much interest in toys and will not play alone. He insists that we play with him and when we don’t resorts to lying on the couch, sucking his thumb while holding his lovey. He’s at school and does well there but at home he only wants to interact with others. He constantly asks fir play dates and while his friends want to get involved in a game or play he wants to be involved directly with them, so never getting into play aside from running around together, laughing… he’s super social, extremely verbal but I’m very worried about his lack of interest in toys and inability (so it seems) to enjoy his own company, and be creative with play. First I thought there are too many toys so I paired it down, tried to rotate toys, set him up with a play activity of his choosing, provide ideas… but he ends up whining that he needs help abd/or needs someone to play with. Then when I do join he doesn’t stick with anything. The other day i set a limit to do my hair and set him up wth legos. He was silent for a bit i thought great he’s getting to it but i came out to see him again on the couch. Then i feel guilty and feel i need to help him play. What can I do? Are you saying just tell him and hold back and do what I need to and he’ll come around? Or are you suggesting I sit with him and just follow his play?
