Comments on: No Bad Parents (Guest Post by Michael Lansbury) elevating child care Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:36:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: pinch Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:53:15 +0000 Every parent has a style of looking after their kids. Every child is different, every family is different and parenting styles are different.When parents are left feeling like a failure they definitely deserve to step back and evaluate the situation

By: Bella Baby Sat, 03 Sep 2016 12:08:00 +0000 I agree now that my kids are grown I never regret giving up work when they were babies to spend time with them.

By: Sandy Sun, 09 Aug 2015 07:50:47 +0000 “When you get to be my age, if you have any regrets, I promise you that one of them will not be that you spent too much time with your kids.”

That really helps pull things into focus for me. A working Dad of 1 and another on the way. Your website has a lot of good stuff and I’ve never heard of RIE before. I will read up on it now!

By: Sharon Ballantine Thu, 04 Jun 2015 17:08:58 +0000 When parents are left feeling like a failure they definitely deserve to step back and evaluate the situation.

Helping our children to learn to solve problems on their own is not wrong.

Being present in their lives, even if sometimes that is “just” observing them as they explore the world around them is an awesome gift to both your child and yourself.

To what degree you are comfortable following RIE or any other parenting model is partly due to how you were raised.

Be willing to listen to your Internal Guidance System, especially when you are facing conflicting ideas. It will help you feel what is the right solution for you and your child.

By: Faith J. Mon, 01 Jun 2015 18:52:21 +0000 Yes, love this affirmation for parents. It’s a challenge for a parent to find how to guide their child in areas of confidence, discovery, discipline, spirituality, etc… even food! I am grateful for all the guidance and suggestions the people who post here have generously and lovingly provided. They have influenced the lives of our small family. Even something as small as a link to the “It’s No Accident” book; it is a life-improver for our toddler and now I’ve passed it on to my sister, whose older child is benefitting from it. So Thanks!!!

By: sangeetha menon Sat, 30 May 2015 11:32:52 +0000 Every parent has a style of looking after their kids. Every child is different, every family is different and parenting styles are different.
After reading an article or a book no one should feel that they are not doing what is said in the article/book and so they are bad parents. Its not like that. Parenting bloggers and mommy’s and parenting author’s and experts are sharing there experiences and principles they follow so that they can help those parents who are in doubt and make parenting a much easier phase.

By: Fernanda Fri, 29 May 2015 12:56:06 +0000 Hi, I understand the enormous service RIE offers to the world and I cannot be more grateful to Janet for her generosity mentoring me and helping me become a better educationist and mother in soooo many ways.
However, I also understand that parent that is feeling so bad… Our society and culture constantly offer distorted images and ideas of parenting and childhood and some parents may end up having very little trust on whom they are: real people deprived of sleep, deprived of self-confidence and many times deprived also of self knowledge. Anyone in this state can feel really hopeless and they can probably think RIE principles are shouting their incapacity on their faces. That is why I believe we should insist on supporting parents self trust and self respect, not only for their own good, but for their babies and kids too. It is impossible to respect another person (not even your dear baby)if you cannot offer respect to your self first. Reconnecting to whom you really are, recognizing your doubts, embracing you emotional turmoil and accepting your gifts is a good start for any parent who really, really wants to respect her baby and implement Gerber´s approach and Janet´s advice.
Much love, Fernanda

By: Vicki Burgess Fri, 29 May 2015 05:55:53 +0000 Thanks! Well-written, and hope you keep writing about RIE.
