Comments on: 5 Surprising Ways to Encourage Your Kids elevating child care Sun, 07 Nov 2021 02:22:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cindy Sun, 07 Nov 2021 02:22:32 +0000 In reply to Diana.

Child falls..they may or may not seem hurt. Wait to see how they feel. If they are hurt walk over calmly and listen, look. Say there’s a scrape, “ahh I see the scrape on your knee.”Perhaps suggest getting up and walking to a place where you can help them clean it. Listen, wait for calm. Give comforting child seems to want, hug, hand hold, take cues from child. “That scrape is hurting right now “. Wait listen, comfort as they need. Offer wet towel they can gently clean it themselves. Offer band aid if it’s a choice, of course if it’s necessary..put one on. Just letting them have their feelings, listening..not speaking so much shows this moment is theirs to go through. We don’t have to say much. Not bring our feelings into it is best.

By: Toddlers + October = A Fun Month | Montessori Tides School Fri, 05 Oct 2018 17:37:23 +0000 […] checking out Janet Lansbury’s Facebook page or her blog (like this article on how to encourage your child.) She has a Facebook post almost daily about caring for infants and toddlers. She offers many […]

By: janet Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:54:50 +0000 In reply to David L Kotschessa.

Thanks, Dave. It’s easier with one! But we’re required to trust that our baby does feel our attentive presence (science supports this), and that we don’t need to entertain or initiate engagement. Then we take cues from our baby looking at us or seeming to react to a sound he or she has heard, etc. Here’s a post and video that might be helpful to you: and video that explain:

By: David L Kotschessa Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:15:30 +0000 By the way, I would like to mention that, unfortunately, the nearest RIE class to me is about 3 hours away.

By: David L Kotschessa Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:13:28 +0000 I have found this website and love the philosophy being taught here and would love to learn more. I’ve noticed that most of this example about this type of play is with other babies involved, so I am wondering how to apply this philosophy of non-interference when playing with my little guy when there are not other babies involved. BTW, I have the unique challenge that he is 4 months old, but 6 weeks adjusted age, as he was born at 25 weeks.


Dave K

By: Radha Narasimhan Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:55:16 +0000 Please add me to your mailing list….
🙂 R

By: Katarina Tue, 24 Nov 2015 13:24:54 +0000 Hi Janet! I feel very thankfull for your post. This is something i was searching for. I have tryed to explain what im doing to my MIL but she keeps on telling me the you have to talk to your children all the time,be always close so they want fall atc. Now I know I cant change anything about it but i can change myself. And im trying it with your posts. Thank You Janet.
P.S. I hope that your books will be translated in more languages so they can help mothers,families,friends,…the world be better.

By: Diana Tue, 24 Nov 2015 06:33:31 +0000 Hi Janet,

could you give more information on that: ” Don’t sympathize or attempt to actively comfort frustration. Instead: Allow, accept, and acknowledge feelings.”
What do you mean by “don’t sympathize”? For example, if your child falls and gets hurt, saying “I know it hurts” could be sympathizing? I ‘m feeling that once I get an idea of how RIE works, next moment I have no clue! We have no RIE classes in Ontario (btw Canada seriously lacks in RIE classes and books at the public library) plus English is not my first language so reading through all this is such a struggle. I’d appreciated a re-direction to an article of yours that explains more on sympathizing as opposed to accepting -I think the line is so fine between those two, but maybe I’m wrong. Thank you.

By: janet Fri, 20 Nov 2015 01:18:27 +0000 In reply to Ailbhe.

Aww, thank you, Ailbhe! You have no idea how much I needed that boost today. Sending love straight back to you and your lucky family.

By: Ailbhe Thu, 19 Nov 2015 23:10:42 +0000 Thank you so much Janet. You are such a guiding light for me and obviously so many other parents as well. I’ve always known what kind of parent I wanted to be but wasn’t sure of the ‘how’. When I read your blog and listen to your podcasts, it’s like the path lights up clear as day, and I just feel relief and joy in the knowing that I can be the Mum I really want to be. With so much love and appreciation, for all that you do. x x x
