Comments on: 6 Things to Know About Your Strong-Willed Child elevating child care Sat, 03 Jun 2023 13:51:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mena Sat, 03 Jun 2023 13:51:50 +0000 In reply to Sarah Kellogg.

I had a strong willed child, didn’t think I would live through it! He’s 35 now, a great “kid”, the pediatrician told me that a great quality to have, no one will ever talk him into doing anything he doesn’t want to do

By: Shay Fri, 12 Aug 2022 10:02:14 +0000 In reply to janet.

Hi Janet. I’m finding your advice so helpful. I have a VERY strong willed 2 year old boy who is also VERY physically strong. I’m a single mum and I really do acknowledge and adore how wonderful it is to have such a determined and spirited child but it is physically and emotionally exhausting most of the time right now. We are currently house sitting for friends and looking after their two cats. Initially my child was very calm around the animals but now he’s started pulling the larger cats tail. If I say ‘no’ or even calmly say ‘gentle’ he grabs the tail tighter. If I try to pull him away from the cat he has a meltdown and holds on tighter. I have a screaming cat and a screaming child. I literally have to pry his fingers off the tail as he kicks and screams and tries to pull harder. It’s really awful as I know he could be really harming the cat. I model gentle patting constantly but it’s not working. I don’t know what to do. The house is open plan so The only separate space is the bedroom.

By: Holly Fri, 05 Feb 2021 07:28:16 +0000 In reply to janet.

Would this info apply to an 8 year old as well? He has struggled with this for a long time. And although I had good intentions, I’m sure I have made all his jealousies of his brother and struggles so much worse by my lack of emotional intelligence and my anger toward his mean words and or hitting at times. There is a 4.5 year gap between them and my older son has struggled with jealousy so much despite my intentions to help him feel loved. He hits his little brother back and im not always calm about it. I wish I were. We want to be the best for our kids and the guilt of being far from it is so real. I wish we all had the skills and patience of you Janet.

By: Carly Thu, 21 Nov 2019 14:41:05 +0000 I was just feeling as though my strong willed 5 yo and I had really hit our stride- she finding empowerment in handling her strong emotions and me finding peace in being her ally- when *bomb dropped* we added a sibling to the mix! Wow! She is experiencing all the normal adjustments to this, and feeling very strongly as is her way- the only difference being my own energy levels and ability to respond the same way I have in the past. I am struggling to parent from a place of depletion- beginning the day so tired after being up all night with baby, having much less time to re-center myself and refuel, and feeling so irritated because of wacky hormones! My daughter of course picks up on my state and most days I feel our relationship is in worse shape than it’s ever been. Reading this has encouraged me to stay the course, to remember that this phase won’t last forever, and that as long as I am accepting her and also accepting my own limitations (with honesty) that this phase won’t “damage” us or our relationship. Keeping the faith here! Thanks Janet!

By: JB Thu, 21 Nov 2019 05:56:20 +0000 Janet this post directly applies to me and my son, but the catch is he’s 8.5yo was opposed to 3 or 4 like everyone else in the comment thread. I’m obviously a bit late to the game here and I see how much potential your advice holds for me. But while I’m here is there any specific adjustments or comments for older kids like my 8.5 yr old? It’s especially challenging because he has 2 younger brothers (3 & 5) who aren’t strong willed nor emotionally expressive in the same way, so it makes him come across as the least mature of the bunch (and certainly the hardest to manage), which tests my patience and makes me second guess more than I otherwise would.

By: Brenda Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:10:23 +0000 Thank you. We have a 5 year old, strong willed son. His emotions are huge. I, unfortunately, tend to be reactive (I am working on this .) What about when these big emotions come with kicking walls and throwing things or happen at preschool? Thanks.

By: Lisa Henderson Mon, 03 Jun 2019 10:06:21 +0000 In reply to janet.

My strong-willed child is now 18:) but I realized as time went on how much my own energy (discomfort and overwhelm) interfered with and added to her outbursts of emotion. Establishing my own practice of regularly grounding and centering helped me from getting overwhelmed (mindfulness/meditation, yoga have been life changers- it’s the regular habit more that the amount of time spent). I also reminded myself that I could be in the presence of (____…fill in strong emotion) and not make it about me. Followed by a few nice deep breaths. Those words help me even now when I’m in any situation where others’ strong emotions feel hard to handle. The more she FELT me as a calm, confident ally and leader, the easier it was (still is, sometimes) for her to move through her experience of strong emotions.
I think it is also worth noting that these sensitive souls also need our leadership with simplifying their lives. These days it is easy to be involved in a lot and some children are less able to manage the pace and potential overstimulation of the day/week. Less activity and more self-directed time outside is beneficial for all children.
Your insight and wisdom, Janet, and generous sharing of Magda Gerber’s wisdom, is a real gift to young parents.

By: Felisha Sun, 02 Jun 2019 23:55:07 +0000 Thank you for your wonderful articles and podcasts! When I read and listen, I feel I am better able to follow through as this is not my default reaction. I have a very strong willed almost 11 yo. We have always said she feels all her emotions very strongly. When she is sweet and loving, she is super sweet and loving. This helps get through the super angry and frustrating outbursts. However, lately it seems that the outbursts are constant. I know she is transitioning at this age, pulling away a bit, and wanting more autonomy, but goodness it is super hard to take name calling and defiance. I feel like it is super disrespectful how she speaks to me. I wouldn’t dream of speaking to anyone in the manner she does to me. I opened the door for her to release these feelings to me and it seems she has lost all respect and just tramples on me. Am I suppose to just look over someone calling me an idiot, I hate you, get away from me, etc? Super hard to “rise above” this as I would have never dream of speaking to my mother this way. I am trying though and hope that I have the strength to continue.

By: Kelly Mon, 15 Apr 2019 09:45:29 +0000 In reply to Kris.

This is how I feel. I’ve been doing this for a while and I’m still trying to figure out how it will get better. His emotions are not just verbal, but physical. He’ll hit me or even kids, adults, etc. I don’t know how to make it stop.

By: Kris Tue, 02 Apr 2019 20:50:58 +0000 Hi Janet – I am struggling with a very strong willed child…even when I am trying to be accepting of his feelings he will escalate the situation. This morning his yells of no (my response was that I understand, but yelling won’t help or change the situation) progressed to hyperventilating crying, which progressed to him trying to make himself throw up (he just told me last night a girl in his class “can do it” if she’s really upset, which he was very impressed by). I hear you, responding to him with an okay, or even just being quiet – none of these tactics work. Even when I’m accepting he keeps it up and ups the ante. I’ve tried walking away, showing him how to breathe properly and it usually only stops once I lose my patience. How do I break this cycle? I’m going to lose my own mind!
