Comments on: How to Be a Less Anxious Parent and Enjoy Your Child elevating child care Thu, 02 Jul 2020 19:33:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vicki Burgess Tue, 03 Jul 2018 00:14:50 +0000 This is fantastic! Another happy mom means another happy child.

By: Michelle Sat, 03 Dec 2016 11:33:05 +0000 How can I set my kids up and myself &husband for success?

By: Michelle Sat, 03 Dec 2016 11:29:34 +0000 Hello Janet, im an axious mom of 2 a 6 year old and a 5 mo th old.

Im living day to day unsure of how to really interact with my son to get to know him. I know his material likes but dont know his emotions and what he feels inside. I was ignored as a child and really struggle with relating to my son.

Im constantly telling him to slow down and listen, be still, stop fidgeting. But I see he gets it from me. I have an extreamly hard time with thia because im scared of yelling at him and losing my patients.
I want to teach him things but I dont know where he is at developmentally…how can I find out?
I feel like im failing him as a mom. My 5 month old well her to. I cant seem to get a schdule going for her. Please can you help

By: Jazzi Kelley Sat, 27 Aug 2016 20:20:03 +0000 In reply to Elisa.

Just chiming in that this has always worked with my nephew. He seems to do it when he’s around adults he loves, but they’re paying attention to each other instead of to him. Stopping to listen to his answers (which are always interesting!) seems to satisfy him better than a distracted, “That’s a banana,” does.

By: Jen | Green Baby Deals Thu, 21 Jul 2016 00:52:13 +0000 Yes, they definitely feed from our emotions! Even at an infant age, I noticed when I felt stressed, my daughter was stressed. Thank you for another great article.

By: P Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:13:54 +0000 Hi Janet

Are there any RIE play groups/parent-baby classes like the ones you hold/talk about on your blogs in South Africa?

By: Janice Tyler Mon, 11 Jul 2016 00:14:34 +0000 That’s a great story! I’m really thankful for sharing this. It gave me a really good thought about how to be happy and enjoy my time with kid. It’s true that sometimes unhappy things happen but all parents should take it at ease because that’s how life is. You can’t change but it’s possible to learn how to enjoy it no matter what. I think that those things are normal to all parents and everyone can relate it to. I believe that it’s possible to benefit from your post a lot and we shouldn’t feel ashamed because of it. It’s so normal that we could talk about it and share our thoughts. I think that everything is okay and it’s okay to learn. No one born as a genius who knows everything. So, let’s keep going!

By: Elisa Thu, 07 Jul 2016 19:45:09 +0000 In reply to Jennifer loher.

So my LO is not old enough to ask these repetitive questions yet. But a friend gave me an strategy that I have used with her 3 yr old and other kids since because the repetitive questions seem to be a common theme. Kids love repetition! Anyway, she says “that’s a good question. What do you think it is?” (I’ve used other variations too, like I don’t know what do you think it is? etc) This seems to get them engaged and turns the question around to make it their responsibility to answer. I’ve found that this gets them to stop asking they same question over again and works for the “Why?” question. And if they don’t stop asking question you just go on broken record with the phrase above. Who knows, maybe today, the banana is a rocketship.

By: Jennifer loher Wed, 06 Jul 2016 20:13:09 +0000 You writing has been so helpful for me. My 3 year old son will sometimes get in a repeating obvious questions mood and I think it might be an anxious/attention seeking behavior. It seems like if he is tired or bored he will ask a question he knows the answer to and do that repeated with similar things. I try to give joke answers or redirect but mostly I get stuck in a bad habit of answering, then ignoring and then saying I will not answer that question anymore. When I am annoyed I end up explaining how smart he is and that he should not ask questions like that (such as, what is that to a banana), he is very bright and well spoken and knows many words. Any suggestions on how I should intervene if it seems like he won’t get out of that mood after attempts to suggest an activity or cannge of scenery?

By: S Tue, 05 Jul 2016 01:05:49 +0000 YES! I had SO SO much fear from attachment parenting books. My daughter, 10, suffers from anxiety. I am just finding this model and find it to be such a lifelife, even at 10
