Comments on: Key Ingredients of the Most Blissful Summer Activities elevating child care Sun, 16 Jul 2017 23:52:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sapana V Thu, 05 Jan 2017 19:36:40 +0000 I admit, sometimes we have to leave kids with their creativity so, that they can explore more. Excellent article.

By: janet Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:46:06 +0000 In reply to Lenora.

Thanks for your support, Lenora! Hmm… I think what you’re doing sounds perfect. I think I would just say, “thank you!” if she offers you something to play with. If she seems dissatisfied with that, you could say, “I’m examining this closely, thanks!” Also, it’s certainly not the end of the world if you did a little something more with the toy once in awhile. Or, better yet, you could acknowledge, “Oh, you’re remembering that I used to that car sound thing! Hmm… I don’t feel like doing that right now” (or maybe you do) “but thanks for reminding me!” I would totally “cop” to what you’ve done, because that might very well be what she’s trying to connect with you about. I would perceive all these interactions as opportunities to connect honestly with her, and welcome them. It’s all good!

By: Lenora Fri, 29 Jul 2016 06:05:33 +0000 Thank you and RIE for introducing me to the concept of independent, self-directed play. The first 18 months of my child’s life I too thought it was my responsibility to entertain and show her how to do things. Now at 2.5 years old she’s able to play for bouts of time by herself and I have learned to just observe and not take over when I am there with her. However I think I am still a bit confused about my role when I am with her during play. I wonder if I’ve swung to the opposite end of the pendulum and am too hands off now. I sit and watch and respond or sportscast if she asks or looks at me. But (probably due to my intervention the first 1.5 years) she often tells me “play with this” and hands me a toy (as in “do something with this”). If I do she ends up just watching me. If I don’t then she gets mad (and I feel like I’m not being a good playmate). How much should I interact with her during play? If she hands me a car, for example, and says “play with this” should I make car sounds and drive it around? If I ask “what should the car do”? she gets mad for turning it back to her.

Thanks for all you do!! x
