Comments on: Enchanting Child-Inspired Pumpkin Carving elevating child care Thu, 24 Oct 2019 18:39:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cindy Cutler Thu, 01 Nov 2018 16:53:37 +0000 Wonderful!

By: Abbie Saturno Thu, 08 Dec 2016 20:21:53 +0000 I had a Toddler Pumpkin Decorating Party. There were pumpkins all over the playground, and the toddler picked the pumpkin and there were two decorating stations. One had cookie cutters and mallets for pounding shapes, and the other had acrylic paint for painting on the pumpkin. I wish I could post pictures of the event. It was adorable!

By: Sapana V Mon, 21 Nov 2016 18:22:16 +0000 This is actually a helpful thought to encourage the creativity of the children. It will also help in their overall growth.

By: Sandy Sat, 29 Oct 2016 21:10:12 +0000 Over 20 years ago my son (3-4 years old then) carved his own pumpkin with a small pumpkin carving tool. He was so pleased with his creation when he was done. A pumpkin with a very large hole where the face should be! He was so proud of his hard work and it went on the porch with a candle glowing inside!

By: Kerry Sat, 29 Oct 2016 20:23:54 +0000 These pumpkins are bringing tears to my eyes- they’re so beautiful!

As a creative, I’ve always had the notion to let children ‘just do it’ whatever it is they want to do creatively when ‘creating’. My son’s first piece of artwork was done in a toddler art group along with my nephew and sister-in-law. I was blown away by what my son produced at only 1.5 years old, but blown completely out of the water when my SIL reached over and put ‘finishing touches’ on my child’s masterpiece.

Perhaps a tad dramatic, but I look at this piece every day and remain perplexed by how an adult would have such a strong urge to ‘perfect’ what’s already been perfectly created by our children.

Here’s to self expression!

By: Brigid Mon, 19 Oct 2015 01:18:14 +0000 My husband & I told my 3.5 year old she could paint our family pumpkins — and she spent all afternoon joyfully painting about 5 pumpkins. She eventually invited me to join in. We didn’t give any direction — just paints & pumpkins — & she was in her glory. A good reminder for us to give her time & supplies to create. She has art supplies, but I guess we all forget they’re there sometimes.
This was a great article, thank you — your work has been recommended to me by several people.

By: Brittany Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:45:41 +0000 This article is exactly what I needed! Tonight I observed my husband playing with our nearly 3 year. My son and I had been playing blocks in his room when he called for his Dad to come see what we (under his lead) had been working on and join us. It wasn’t long before my husband was “fixing” things, only for my son to wail “Dada messing up my house!”. Then my son said he wanted his Dad to help build a car- which resulted in Dad building a car, moving any pieces son put in the “wrong” place, and son deciding to walk away and build a tower on his own. I could see the excitement and confidence leaving him each time his work was “corrected” and it killed me. I am planning to share this article with my husband to help him see where I am coming from and would love links to any articles you have on the same topic!

By: Tammy Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:26:32 +0000 Thanks for your reply Janet. My daughter has always been highly capable for her age and most things seem to just come easily to her. In the very few cases where that is not the case I guess she puts pressure on herself to achieve those things since she is used to being able to do whatever she tries without much difficulty. We just are not sure why in those cases she doesn’t want to take any assistance from us and gets so angry if we try to give any helpful suggestions.

By: Sandy Blackard Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:51:24 +0000 Janet,

I love this article and Carol’s example of following her child’s lead. Those little pumpkin drawings and turning them into carvings bring back memories. I learned to work with my daughters this way, and at 26 & 27 they are highly creative and empowered young women. One is in NYC as an emerging artist the other writes many of our blog posts. “Just let kids do it” – definitely sharing this! Thank you!

By: janet Fri, 07 Nov 2014 14:47:30 +0000 In reply to John S Green.

Thanks, John!
