Comments on: Kids’ Haircuts Don’t Have to be Hairy elevating child care Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:34:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexis Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:34:49 +0000 This just did not work for my so-called “strong willed” almost 3 year old. I often look to these articles for advice but lately feel at a loss for how to get her cooperation. I know she’s had a lot of big transitions lately, a new baby brother, mom returning to work and nanny returning as care giver, potty training/constipation issues, a traumatic (and uncooperative) appointment with the pediatrician. I guess I just need to give her consistency, time, and lower my expectations for now?

By: Claire Thu, 01 Oct 2020 10:23:39 +0000 In reply to C.A..

My son is 4 with ASD. He is fine with haircuts but it wasn’t always so because he hated anyone touching his hair, he hated the sounds and sensations of the buzzer and scissors. At first I took him to places that were quiet – he was the only person in the salon, and they made it very quick and short and I used some distraction while he sat in my lap and the aim was for him to tolerate a short experience rather than to have a decent haircut. Straight after we went to a park so he would have a positive association. I also let him play with combs at home and played songs about haircuts and role played with toys. Over time he has gotten better at tolerating haircuts and now he sometimes asks to go. He used to hate hair washes too…still does but no longer cries when they happen…sometimes it just takes lots of time and practice to build up their tolerance. OTs can also assist with these issues

By: K Sun, 04 Feb 2018 02:34:32 +0000 For the first-timers out there: We cut our son’s hair for the first time when he was 4. He asked for the haircut, and was excited. We thought we explained everything, like the part that you need to wait a long-time for the hair to grow back etc. One thing we didn’t think to tell him is that… it does NOT hurt to cut your hair 🙂 He believed it would hurt.

By: Jenn Sun, 08 Oct 2017 09:08:25 +0000 I’ve been putting off getting my son’s haircut for at least 6 months now because I’m afraid of the meltdown and a bad haircut. Do you have any more specific advice for younger kids that don’t understand as much? My son is 18 months. Right now I’ve been trimming his hair when I nurse him.

By: Valerie Mon, 28 Aug 2017 01:07:51 +0000 In reply to C.A..

Not sure i have any advice but i feel your pain. I have a 6 year old spn with sensroy issues and as he gets older he is getting better at refusing to comply. We cut his hair today and it took an hour. My husband does it at home and we take our time. We tell him in advance and plan it right before bath time. Nothing else happens on that day until it gets donem. Once its done we go out and do an activity he likes like the park. Its hard. Lots of screaming and tears. We tried tv today. Did not help. Then i read this post. Will not do it again. Will get him a mirror next time so he can watch and get him to pick where he wants us to start

By: C.A. Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:01:48 +0000 I’m pleased this has worked for you and the fact that your son is pre-verbal and understands you, is half the battle – you must feel so happy.
My son is awaiting (mild) ASD diagnosis and haircuts have become a nightmare. I’ve tried all the things that you described above in your success story and it just ends in tears and me holding him. This is obviously not how I would like him to have his hair cut but I can’t see any other way as he doesn’t seem to care about Daddy having his hair done or another kid on the internet. I think he may have sensory trouble and not like his head being touched too much so this might be an issue. I’m not getting advice from anywhere that is useful to us; respectful parenting, asd websites etc. Anyone got any experience?

By: Becca Mon, 31 Jul 2017 12:08:10 +0000 We are among the parents who struggle to help our boy be patient and calm with haircuts. Thanks for these great examples of how to respectfully help him engage the process and embrace it himself.

By: Christina Sat, 29 Jul 2017 18:56:00 +0000 I love this and am so glad I read it before my little one got his first haircut. I honestly don’t think I would have thought of these issues, but definitely will now, thanks!

By: janet Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:44:12 +0000 In reply to Max.

Thank you, Max! And no worries, the great thing about parenting is that we get many tries at these types of situations. We’re all learners on a journey.s

By: Max Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:41:55 +0000 I love this article Janet, thank you!
I took my 4 year old for a haircut yesterday and because we’ve used distraction with him when he was little for this particular task, he asked to watch something while his hair was being cut.

It makes me sad now to think that we missed such a beautiful opportunity yesterday to have him engaged in the process. Like you said at the start, we should respect them as valuable people who deserve to be informed, active participants in their lives. I will most certainly ensure that we don’t miss out on any more opportunities like this. Thank you Janet!
