Comments on: How to Encourage Your Baby’s Language Development elevating child care Mon, 21 Nov 2022 11:31:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kallie Bennett Sat, 16 May 2020 20:00:11 +0000 I am actually a speech-language pathologist, and for a baby who is 5 months old, imitating their sounds is one of the recommendations I would make to encourage language development. Both parents are encouraging language development in different and important ways. It seems to me that mom is meeting the baby at her level of communication, which encourages more expressive language with baby, while dad is providing a rich language model. I would disagree with Janet’s opinion about how much language a baby understands at 5 months old based on current evidence, and at this stage babies are imitating speech sounds but not quite trying to produce words. Imitating a baby is excellent for practicing communication skills such as turn taking. I so enjoy this podcast, butI think this one has a bit of misinformation. I hope mom does not stop imitating her baby!!

By: Allis Deppeler Mon, 04 Mar 2019 20:30:31 +0000 I am disappointed that this ‘question’ was published. I’m glad he can tell his wife that she was wrong and he was right. I like the rest of the content, I think it’s a great point about not testing. I would also add my sweet babe loves it when I repeat the sounds he makes back to him, his face lights up – probably the same way mine does when he says a word or animal noise to me.
