Comments on: Extreme Favoritism Toward One Parent elevating child care Mon, 13 Nov 2023 03:55:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jess Mon, 13 Nov 2023 03:55:46 +0000 In reply to Anneliese.

These are the comments I wish had a response. I’m going through this, though not with the weaning, and it’s very difficult to keep trying for years with a child that rejects you over and over.

By: Heather Fri, 24 Feb 2023 02:13:09 +0000 Wow! This article made me cry. I don’t know how I missed this one. I could have written this about our family. My daughter has VERY strong emotions and opinions. She is 2.5 at the end of the month, but this has actually been going on in some form since she was 3 months old!! I wish I had read this article back then. I realize after reading this it has gone on so long because we have allowed it become a pattern for her. It is her “normal”. Poor girl has been trying to work through her feelings for years and we have not let her. Thank you for writing this and for not piling the guilt into us parents who are trying the best with the pathetic tools we have been given by previous generations. My husband and I both struggle with letting others have emotions and not being effected by them in unhealthy ways. People keep telling us it is a “stage”, but for it to go on this long seems way more than just a “stage or separation anxiety. She does absolutely fine when I am not there or even with other people that are not her father, like friends and grandparents. I now see it is because it has not become a pattern with them.

By: Aditya Mon, 26 Dec 2022 14:25:23 +0000 In reply to Allison.

Wow, what a way to dismiss a stranger’s concern

By: Allison Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:57:23 +0000 In reply to Marie.

Seems like you married a terribly lazy and selfish woman who can’t do anything right. That’s sarcasm. It’s very hard to believe that she does absolutely nothing for your family, and that you do everything. I would be very resentful and checked out if I were your wife and made to feel that way.

By: Sogol Johnson Sun, 23 May 2021 17:35:43 +0000 In reply to Arienne.

I feel you deeply on this one. My son is 2.5 now and for nearly 5 months now its all about daddy. It hurts and it’s painful. All of the articles talk about the security and the emotions the child is going through. I honestly think it’s a pattern they fall into. No clue how it starts though and why the dad and not us. This article touches on it too although most of it doesn’t apply to us. One day my son has a blast when dad is not around but others when I go to pick him up from his nap all he wants is dad. So it’s sporadic. I feel like he plays with my heart sometimes as I think oh yes we are getting better and then boom he cries for dad as if he is at war somewhere far. He is also not into drama as this article suggests. He is a perfectionist and quite a gentle and kind little toddler. The dada preference started slow and mild and its full blown to comments like, grandma is here now and i dont need you anymore. We are both super hands on. We are about 60-40 around him ( me being the 60%). However, I strongly believe that it’s all about dads world. His side of grandparents (daddy phase started the same time they moved closer to us), his hobbies as they are both obsessed with golf, his language…. he is in dadas world and not mine. I’m the cook, the groceries, the driver and the housekeeper. Not to say that dad doesn’t do the hard work because he sure does. The difference is that I don’t get the praise or the love and dad does. The biggest blow is now after all these months when he gets hurt he wants dad not me. Before I used to say at least he comes to me for comfort and I even lost that. One thing that is helping us is setting boundaries. We say “oh im sorry you want dada but it’s my turn to put you to sleep. It’s my turn to feed, its my turn…. So we are addressing the need emotionally but still holding that boundary. I also made a visual schedule of things that dad does and things that I do. Little dude gets excited about it and he forgets about his pattern. Its only been a few days but it seems to be working a wee bit more. But yes he does light up and smile when he sees dad and never me. Dad is also the one who is constantly worried about him getting hurt etc. Im more chill and hold all those fears in my head. who knows what the psychology behind it is really. Every child seems to be so different. I understand the general theories but its not a formula that applies to every child. Its been especially hard on me as I have not seen my family for 20 months now due to covid and travel restrictions. Im also not working so all my eggs are in one basket and that basket seems to be rejecting me. Hang in there mama. When they are teens we will ground them for this! – SJ

By: Celeste Mon, 25 Jan 2021 00:03:01 +0000 In reply to Bob Stoops.

Sorry to hear this, Bob. Sounds like your wife is mentally checked out and may need professional help to work on being present with her family.

By: Arienne Wed, 18 Nov 2020 11:28:25 +0000 Through your other article I knew most of this and I have been able to diminish most big tantrums. Now it is mostly little things like daddy having to help her eating or pouring her a drink. Daddy is the favorite here. I blame it to his being less consistently. But sometimes I start doubting it because she often runs at dad after being away for a while and not me. I know we are okay and I do not feel like she doesn’t love me or anything, but I sometimes do think dad is her favorit. He deserves it by the way, he is a great dad.
But is he really or does this has to do with testing as well?

By: Anneliese Wed, 18 Nov 2020 06:11:37 +0000 Hello, My 7 year old son is extremely attached to his dad. This began when I weaned our son at age 2. It seems that there was an attachment rupture and I can’t get back to a place where he loves us equally. He also always prefers that his daddy put him to sleep at night. He has even told me that he loves his dad more than he loves me. It’s really painful and the rejection is making me want to “back away” from my son at times. It breaks my heart but sometimes I just can’t bear being rejected by him so consistently. I am a working mom but my family is my top priority. However, the strained relationship with my son leaves me heartbroken and in tears often and makes me consider re-evaluating my priorities. My dream would be to strengthen our bond and to have our son love us equally but I don’t know how to get there.

By: janet Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:12:59 +0000 In reply to Marie.

Thank you, Marie! Yes, my advice would be the same for a preschooler/kindergartener. If you would like to provide more details I may be able to understand why this is happening for you.

By: Marie Sun, 18 Oct 2020 21:43:28 +0000 I enjoyed both of your articles addressing this topic. I’m curious if this advise holds true for a preschool/kindergarten age child? THANK YOU for shedding important insight so I can better understand my children.
