Comments on: Families in Isolation Q&A – Welcoming Your Questions, Comments, Concerns elevating child care Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:40:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:40:41 +0000 Dear Janet, I would loooove to hear your insights on this. I know you have talked about grandparents in other article..
My mother in law takes care of my 13 months old son during the day since 2 months before. She would be with us for next couple of month until he starts going to daycare. My main challenge right now is really the fact that she is so uncomfortable with and can’t stand my son crying and whining in any circumstances. When my son expresses his emotions/cries, She right away starts to distract him with anything she can think of! She can’t just let him cry/process his feelings and being empathic or listening. Long car ride with them can be so challenging. As soon as my son makes some noise, she feels like she has to “comfort” him.. not sure comfort is the right word in her behavior.. she would try to entertain him , keeps talking to him in not very calm manner, almost panicking.. and telling my daughter to playing with him, trying to give him snacks etc. She won’t let him cry for even little bit and end up complaining he won’t go to sleep etc. (Of course, he won’t go to sleep in such a high energy environment!) She even sometimes says stuff like he has a bad temper (in my eyes, he really doesn’t! Just expressing his normal human emotions.!) and compare him with other children.. well, I guess that’s another story! I don’t know what to do! I really don’t understand why adult thinks baby should behave the way we feel comfortable with and should not show distress when we/adult can’t hardly sometime control our own emotions. Not sure where this expectations are coming from.
Unreasonable one! What can I do? Talking and telling her is really not working.. I so appreciate your time and all the work you do and share with us.

By: Elie Mon, 15 Mar 2021 17:06:20 +0000 Thank you all for these insights. I will definitely be sharing it on my parenting blog called Curiousbill Gentlebull. These comments fits in perfectly with my blog goals of sharing helpful tips and tricks (and books) that helps the parenting community get by.

By: janet Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:04:54 +0000 In reply to Serena Sirn.

Hi Serena! Thanks for reaching out and your kind words. I did a podcast around a topic similar to what’s going on with your daughter. I think you might find it helpful:

By: Serena Sirn Mon, 15 Mar 2021 03:04:45 +0000 Hi Janet!
Thank you for this Q&A! God Bless you. So my 2.5 yo daughter is overall a seriously great kid. However we just put her back in daycare in Jan tho bc shes having social issues. I cant completely blame covid. I think she had insecurities prior bc shes always been a shy, timid child—only child. Basically, when it comes to being around people shes not comfortable with yet, or just doesnt want to be bothered with, she snubs them and gets super clingy on me. But its so rude. She makes a sound of disgust, scrunches her face and clings to me or her dad. Its so embarrassing. I try to brush it off but i feel like i really need to address this bc shes been acting like this for about 8 mos now. With the people that she Is close with, if shes in a bad mood, she’ll definitely snub them too. Avoid them, cry, whine, yell at them if they try to console her…shes 2.5 yo so i cant exactly get her to understand Why she needs to be respectful. Im so desperate for an avenue to take. I feel like i walk on eggshells when someone comes around. If my in-laws come to visit, will she acknowledge them or snub them, cry and run away? If we go to a get together, will she be nice or cry all night. These people are not strangers. They are our family as well as neighbors so we see them almost every day! Patience is running thin with her. Please help. It makes us so sad how she can treat our family sometimes.

By: janet Sun, 28 Feb 2021 04:00:36 +0000 In reply to Mandy.

Hi Mandy! It is common for parents who were neglected or abused as children to have difficulties setting boundaries, because their own boundaries were either consistently broken parents or altogether nonexistent. I don’t have a study in mind to show you right now, but I learned this through online research. I was curious because I was seeing this pattern in parents I’d worked with who’d had difficult childhoods. If this is your experience, I hope you will get the support you need. Elisabeth Corey is wonderful, if you are not aware of her work. She’s been on my podcast and you’ve reminded me that I want her on again this year if she’s willing!

Please be good to yourself. x Janet

By: Mandy Sat, 27 Feb 2021 21:50:03 +0000 Hey Janet,

I had a question pertaining to your last episode on pandemic parenting on unruffled. You mentioned the mom that is not confident or back and forth with setting boundaries, specifically when it involves telling your child to go play. I am that mom! I feel guilt when I am not giving enough attention to each of my children. My question is – is this a generic mom thing or is there perhaps something else that influences one to behave this way? If one was neglected or felt neglected as a child would they more likely grow up to be apprehensive about setting such boundaries and tend to over-give themselves to their children?

By: C. K. Wed, 30 Dec 2020 12:57:42 +0000 Thanks for opening up room for this Q&A.

We are in a weird situation. I and my husband work full time from home. Our friend didn’t want to return to work during covid due to the risk for her 5yo daughter who has lung issues. So we hired her to care for our 4yo son during the day.

I’m trying not to sound too judgemental but friend’s daughter has quite a range of behavior issues that have rubbed off on our son – she is an extremely picky eater, has very poor table manners, she is very clinging and attention seeking and her “confidence” leads to her insisting on dictating the rules of every game, loudly proclaiming winners and losers for arbitrary situations such as tying shoes. She is a clumsy child and plays up her spills for attention, and she has an exceptionally piercing whine when she’s being scolded. My friend is a single mom and having grown up with a single mom myself I can empathize with their situation and I can see my friend trying to work on the behavior but it’s been six months and I just see my son picking up her daughter’s bad behavior and nothing getting better. Normally I’m all for letting folks make their own parenting choices but it’s directly affecting my family and I wouldn’t even know where to start to model behavior for someone else’s kid while trying to do my full time job – not to mention the disruptions to our work when she has a tantrum as they are in our home 5 days a week. My friend knows the behavior is a problem for all of us but there has been no improvement in 6 months and we have another six months at least under this arrangement. I try to pass along resources but as I said, my friend is a single mom and she’s usually far too exhausted after work and her own home responsibilities to read a book or a blog. Is there anything at all I can do or is it out of my hands?

By: Kristy Miller Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:24:04 +0000 Hi Janet,

I am a pediatric physical therapist who has a high percentage of children in the birth to three-year old age range. I have had multiple parents ask me how to socialize their children during these times when we are trying to remain socially distant. Do you have any suggestions?


By: Matas Mon, 19 Oct 2020 17:46:21 +0000 Hi Janet,

We have a 3yr old boy who tends to turn to mild violence when seeking for attention (hitting us, throwing a toy at us, hitting his brother). We understand this is a way of saying “I need attention” or “I am sad” and we tend to huge him / comfort him than that happens. Unfortunately, we are struggling with finding the right balance as sometimes it feels we are encouraging such a behaviour with our reaction. Any advice on how to get a right balance would be much appreciated.

By: Louise Tue, 06 Oct 2020 10:27:23 +0000 Hi Janet

My 15 month old daughter seems very shy and anxious around people she doesn’t know – particularly adults. Before lockdown (when she was still very much a baby) she was very sociable and outgoing and loved classes etc. She is now at nursery and while it took her a little while to settle in I’m told she is generally happy. However, we have a babysitter take her to classes some days and she is fine until other adults are present, then she wants to be held and cries and seems overwhelmed. Similarly with adults – even my mum – because she has seen them so little she is very cautious at first. I don’t mind this as much because she warms up eventually – but the anxiety at classes is making me anxious – do I need to be? Thank you
