Comments on: Is It Too Late to Set Limits with My Strong-Willed Child? elevating child care Tue, 23 May 2023 17:35:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christine Sat, 21 May 2022 20:51:14 +0000 I like the bath example but what if you don’t have the physical strength to help them out/remove them if they are saying they’re not ready to get out and are perhaps moving around a lot or it’s too far to reach and lift?

By: Julie Thu, 17 Feb 2022 01:15:50 +0000 How about a 12-year-old who has struggled with anger and anxiety for years primarily because she has heard the word “No” so seldom? I’ve made so many mistakes — too much screen time, a phone, social media, let my own emotions enter in… I feel 100% at fault and know that I’ve failed her but I want to do what I can to help her become a functional adult. Too late?

By: Stella Thu, 16 Jul 2020 01:08:34 +0000 I love how your response is full of empathy for the parent, and like that you guide the parent in what to think. Many times when we attempt to assert boundaries we tend to doubt – whether it’s unnecessarily putting more strain onto our relationship, whether it’s really needed or is it something we should simply live with for now. This is my first time to your site and the first post I read – I love it. It speaks to me as a parent of a strong willed but anxiety-wrecked 7 year old who still tantrums like a 3 year old.

By: Tina Wed, 10 Jun 2020 21:34:57 +0000 I just found you! My son is 6 and I have made all of those mistakes. This won’t be an easy change because one of the things he does is hit me pretty hard. It is just us at home and he rarely sees his father. I’m going to start and I could really use some advice about stopping the hitting. thank you

By: janet Thu, 21 May 2020 15:46:35 +0000 In reply to Fiona.

It’s my pleasure, Fiona. And YES there’s always hope for any kind of change we want to make!

By: Fiona Thu, 21 May 2020 09:19:29 +0000 Thank you for all your thoughts here. I feel I often mistook gentle, responsive parenting with permissive parenting in the early years and there have been many times I have not been the strong leader my child needs. My son is now 5 and I too have wondered if it’s too late and I‘ve set him up for failure. This gives me hope!

By: janet Thu, 21 May 2020 02:47:49 +0000 In reply to John Butler.

My pleasure, John! I really hope this works for you.

By: John Butler Thu, 21 May 2020 02:19:37 +0000 Thank you Janet! As a father to a strong willed 4 year old who loves baths this advice is invaluable.

By: janet Wed, 20 May 2020 15:38:21 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

Yes! The feelings are healing. You’ve got this!

By: Rebecca Wed, 20 May 2020 12:58:14 +0000 Thank you. This helps me greatly. I’m struggling big time with my son who is 5, so strong willed. Just validates that I need to follow through regardless of how he feels about it.
