Comments on: Weird, Worrying Behaviors That Our Child Keeps Repeating elevating child care Tue, 23 May 2023 03:33:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: janet Tue, 23 May 2023 03:33:13 +0000 In reply to Sana ikram.

Hi Sana, I recommend less talk and more willingness to help her with these things. Sounds like she’s getting stuck in resistance mode to your directions. It’s very normal at this age. It’s a age when children are testing their independence which can mean the doing the opposite of what we say. Particularly if there is a younger sibling or other situations they might be objecting to.

By: Sana ikram Mon, 22 May 2023 09:22:46 +0000 Thanks janet. I always found your articles so helpful. I have a similar question, I don’t know I would get a reply or not. My 4.5 years old daughter, whenever I ask her to do something, like pick your book, don’t stand on the book, let’s change your dress, she always replied me with a no or going away ignoring me. I have been trying to follow RP from her ist year and I know being a human I made mistakes as well but m not getting what to do in this situation. How to talk to her or what to say so she can atleast give some attention
