Comments on: Your Baby’s Call of the Wild (Guest Post by Angela Hanscom) elevating child care Sun, 07 Apr 2024 05:18:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Find out why barefoot is best for babies and young children | SEEC Sun, 07 Apr 2024 05:18:01 +0000 […] Your baby’s call of the wild (by Anulda Hanscom), on Janet Lansbury elevating child care. […]

By: Lindsay Fri, 21 Oct 2016 21:52:01 +0000 In reply to Jenna.

I’ve wondered about this issue as well! My daughter loves to put leaves, rocks, twigs, etc in her mouth. We usually let her do some oral exploration (with the exception of small rocks, as we worry about choking), but she often gags and vomits if she actually swallows a leaf, so I’ve wondered how much to restrict her.

By: Gemma Sun, 11 Oct 2015 08:27:26 +0000 Hi Angela, great post! As you have discussed outdoor learning, I thought that this may be of interest to you… Myself & a team of 6 degree students have assembled a blog centred around outdoor learning (Forest Schools) it would be highly appreciated if you were to take a look & share your thoughts!

Thank you 🙂 Gemma x

By: courtney Fri, 05 Jun 2015 14:01:44 +0000 For those in apartments, my 9 month old was visiting grandma in her condo. We played on the balcony, where She had pots of plants, dirt, and chairs. It was wet but that didn’t stop my son getting into everything and climbing over and under things. Maybe something could be set up along those lines? Apartment gardens also often have nice shrubs etc to crawl in and around. Depends on how heavy you weigh potential pesticide and fertilizer use though… maybe you can talk to the landlord or the city regarding Parks. Some cities put out signs when they apply herbicide etc. It isn’t applied very often usually.

By: Jenna Fri, 05 Jun 2015 10:26:22 +0000 Wonderful article. I love watching what my kids can do at a young age when they “aren’t supossed to be able to” because if they can do it, clearly they’re able! I have a teething little one right now, and wonder about the inevitable oral exploring with sticks, leaves, grass, and whatever else is on the ground. Block all attempts? Allow the chewing? Any tips?

By: Angela Hanscom Thu, 04 Dec 2014 18:44:28 +0000 In reply to Brea.

Hi Brea,

That really DOES make it hard to get out and explore if there are chemicals all around. Are there any parks nearby?


By: Faith Collins Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:54:29 +0000 In reply to Brea.

I’d be interested in hearing a response to this, too. I’ve been putting my daughter on a picnic blanket in our pesticide-laden area. It’s not quite as great as being on the grass, but she still gets the sun and the wind and the outdoor sounds, and she loves it.

By: Swissbebemama Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:07:15 +0000 Thank you for the interesting article. I love how much my daughter loves nature but I have to admit that it takes a conscience effort on my part to let her do it. She is fascinated by ants marching and will stop and watch while I try to walk the dog. She touches the fly that landed in her water table while I try to get her to fill a bucket. She picks my unripened veggies and tries them while I prefer them ripe and cooked! She plays with sticks and rocks when I take her to the playground vs trying to climb the slide like the other kids. Raising a nature child takes patience but it is so worth it! It is truly amazing to see nature’s beauty through a child’s eye!

By: Brea Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:11:48 +0000 I have an active 8 month old who creeps, crawls, and has just begun pulling up to stand. I would desperately love to have him play outside every day, but I live in an apartment complex. You write ” It is free from chemicals, plastics, dyes, and other manmade items;” but my problem is that the grounds of our complex are heavily sprayed with pesticides and probably fertilizers too. The trees are mulched with chemical laden stuff.

My baby is at the age where he puts everything in his mouth, and I want to keep him safe from these kinds of chemicals. I love dirt and don’t care if he gets germs and dirt, but I read about athletes getting cancer from spending too much time on treated lawns and I can’t fathom putting my infant on such a surface. There are no wild areas anywhere near, and my transportation is limited. Is there anything I can do?

By: This Website Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:30:52 +0000 Great article I agree with everything you wrote here especially about crawling. I do believe that it helps develop strong shoulder. Crawling is the first exercise babies can do and the more they do it the stronger their shoulders become which they can benefit them a lot. They will be able to move around more for a longer period of time without feeling tired considering it’s only their arms and shoulders carrying the weight of their whole body. The more a baby gets control of his mobility the healthier and taller he grows.

