Comments on: How I Helped My Baby Learn to Sleep (Guest Post by Alice Callahan, PhD) elevating child care Sat, 20 Jan 2024 21:29:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olivia Sat, 20 Jan 2024 21:29:40 +0000 In reply to Rachael.

Thank you for this. After reading the article I did feel a bit like a failure for struggling with putting to bed my nearly 4 years and 14 months old. My youngest finds sleep a lot easier than my oldest, but still at 14 months he wakes every 2 hours to nurse. With teething, colds from his older sister and beginning to walk, sleeping through the night seems out of the question for the coming months.

By: janifer Sun, 29 Aug 2021 18:17:20 +0000 Great tips! I’ve used cloth diapers in the past to save money and it sure did! Also I was able to store left over breast milk so I saved a ton of money since I never needed to buy formula.

By: Rachael Sat, 28 Aug 2021 14:25:22 +0000 I read this and thought it was a wonderful picture of developing sleep habits over time. Unfortunately, for a portion of new parents there are difficulties a newborn and young baby has which makes such a beautiful, lovely, gradually altering nighttime and naptime routine impossible. I just wanted to put this is in here because if I had read this post when my daughter was 7 months it would have been really difficult for me.

My baby had had issues with allergy, kidney reflux, Gerd… Until 14 months she did not want to be hugged by me and would physically push me away when I tried. Since then we have developed the kind of physically loving and nurturing relationship that I had always imagined, and that you describe above. When you have a baby who is in a lot of distress and nothing you do soothes her for more than a few seconds at a time, and your husband has to take her out for a 2 hour min walk every evening as it’s the only way to get her to sleep for longer than 20min stretches and you’re up for 3 hour stints more than once a night every night and your baby is inconsolable, the process you describe above sounds like something out of a fairy tale.

People who have babies that sleep always associate their success with something they have done as parents. I’m not saying that is wholly false, but I think a lot of sleep independence / what parents call “sleep success” is down to the baby and not necessarily how gentle, responsive, patient, loving, thoughtful, affectionate etc the parent is because my husband and I are great examples of this but it made no difference whatsoever.

By: Mary Leinberger Mon, 01 Mar 2021 16:40:43 +0000 We still love feeding to sleep while I read her novels. She’s almost five. I’m glad I never worried about trying to get her to sleep independently. Sleeping next to me/breastfeeding whenever she likes, she had the best sleep (we both sleep through the whole night). Even now she sleeps 13 hours per night (7pm-8:30 am).

By: Anne Sat, 27 Feb 2021 05:13:42 +0000 In really struggeling with my 5 month olds sleep.

For the first about 3month of his life he wasn’t a great mapper, but at night would be happy to lieben his bed and play and relax until falling asleep. I always knew it wouldn’t stay like that, but I didn’t realise how bad it would get. Since turning 5month old every nap is super short and a 2+ hour fight involving every idea of how babies could fall asleep including leaving foe a minute to cry, pram, car, carrier, bouncing rocking. Dancing. Shushing, feeding, rocking, high stimulation. Low stimulation, dummy, comforter and the list goes on.
We are both exhausted. I’m angry and snappy. My toddler hasn’t seen me in over a week (unless it’s pacing the Baby up and down the house).

Im at my end. I just let him cry for a good 10min and it just exxelated and is against everything I believe in.

I need help. 🙁

By: Maya Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:51:48 +0000 What to do if the baby slept in a place and i want to transfer it to his bed?

By: Juli Mon, 24 Feb 2020 15:53:40 +0000 I truly love this account! How can I start this from scratch with my 10 month old? I feel like he’s old enough that it is too stimulating for me to be in the room with him as I let him learn to fall asleep. But I don’t want to leave him alone to get angry.

By: Danielle Thu, 21 Feb 2019 21:25:36 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. My little one is almost 18 months so we are out of the “thick of it” in terms of sleep issues (although we still deal with it from time to time, just different issues!). I did want to specifically thank you for the title of your piece and your use of the term helping my baby LEARN to sleep. As a new mom I was so naive and thought that sleep was something a baby would just know how to do. Looking back, I don’t know where that misguided thought came from…media, family, self-set expectations maybe…but we are tasked with helping our little ones learn to eat, crawl, walk, talk, etc…so why would sleep be any different? Sleeping is a skill that needs to be learned and developed, and just like every other skill, comes easier to some than others. Once I thought about sleep from that perspective it definitely made things easier to handle and I found myself more patient with my son if I thought of myself as a facilitator for his sleep rather than a controller of it.

By: Xinzhu Mon, 18 Feb 2019 19:25:01 +0000 Do you not have to burp him after the feed? Would that not be the reason your baby is fussing because he might be uncomfortable with the gas? Just wondering

By: Claire Sun, 18 Feb 2018 06:00:01 +0000 In reply to K.

I don’t have much advice, just solidarity momma! You described our experience with my baby girl exactly! Up until 5-ish months, I couldn’t read her cues. She was unpredictable and fought sleep like a champ and her scream/cry was a force to be reckoned with. It was exhausting, and I frequently felt like I was failing as a parent. But let me tell you, IT GOT BETTER! At almost 7 months, she takes 3 fairly good naps around the same time each day. She still sometimes has bad nights, but typically only wakes 2-3 times to nurse now and sleeps 830-830. I finally started nursing her to sleep for naps instead of trying to lay her down drowsy, and it worked so much better for us. We also moved bath time up earlier, and skip the fussy bedtime routine. But every baby/parent is different, I hope you find what works for you and your baby and it gets better soon!
