Comments on: Parenting and Triggers: Wounds of the Past (Guest Post by Elisabeth Corey) elevating child care Thu, 05 Aug 2021 05:10:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cassie Thu, 05 Aug 2021 05:10:25 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth Corey.

Thank you so much for this. I was a child of emotional neglect and abuse. Tonight my 2.5 y/o ended up breathlessly hysterical during our bedtime routine despite all my best efforts. It was just one of those times she had to have REALLY big feelings. I feel like I handled it okay with her and gave her the support and space she needed to have those feelings, but MAN it was triggering for me. I remember so viscerally having that same breathless upset feeling as a child and just being screamed at for it. Nobody was there for me. My emotions weren’t valid or allowed. For years. It’s so upsetting to me to see her like that, and I have no actual idea how to handle it. I’ve done a tremendous amount of healing work on myself as an adult and have been working with a wonderful therapist for six years, plus I avidly read up on parenting techniques that feel right for our family. I’m using all the tools at my disposal. But it is so hard to be so triggered by someone I love so deeply, who is just experiencing normal toddler emotional release. I have a feeling the next few years are going to be especially tough.

By: Kate Thu, 14 May 2020 21:58:48 +0000 Thank you for this wonderful post. It’s so hard to find support and information about parenting after abuse. I’ve really struggled with my little girl, now 18 months, as she’s started exploring her body more – in particular, her genitals. It makes my body scream with anxiety, all I can hear in my head is that that is not safe, somebody is going to take advantage of that natural behaviour and hurt her. I have been working with my therapist, as I know this response is due to my own history of sexual abuse as a child and teenager. I want to raise my daughter to love her body and herself, and not feel the deep shame and fear of certain body parts that I carry due to my childhood. It’s hard to know how to do that when you’ve only known bodies to be scary, shameful things!! This post has given me hope, thank you.

By: Emily Court Sun, 08 Jan 2017 09:05:25 +0000 My tip – Patience and Practice!
Be patient with your self as you learn, heal and grow.
And practice the new things you are learning (i.e. self care, parenting tips, calming strategies, home organization etc).

By: Rain Sat, 15 Oct 2016 17:11:19 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth Corey.

This is the personal burden I bear, to undo it all in one generation.

My mother suffered in her childhood but has never shared. She is also a narcissist. I did not realize all of this until I had children myself. All along I thought it was me. I was who I was and I reacted because of who I was.

It wasn’t until having children and being triggered and the thoughts that came to my mind…but in that moment, while these thoughts went off in my head like a fireworks display, I made my first connection to trauma in my childhood. From there my journey has been long, painful, rewarding and freeing.

I witnesses my mother exhibit emotional manipulation over my child and verbally diminish me in front of all my family members. That was the start to the end of that relationship.
I happy, I free, I no longer have a role in the narcissistic narrative that was once my life.
However, I still have triggers and my responses are not always admirable. So if this trauma cannot be undone in one generation, is my fate with my children going to take a similar path that I have taken with my mother?
This is such a great fear of mine. I am working hard, on me, for them.

By: Brenna Wed, 24 Aug 2016 01:32:28 +0000 Hi, just wondering if anyone know of any good books written on this subject?

By: Jen Naz Thu, 12 May 2016 08:30:04 +0000 This article is really great. Im really scared for my son. When he was a baby until 2 years old I was very patient with him but turning 3 I started losing control, i couldnt calmly handle his big afraid ive scarred him for life, when i couldnt take his tantrums anymore I would shut myslef in the bedroom and not let him in, he would bang the door and cry hysterically for me to open, i kept yelling i will never come out again if he keeps behaving that way, i would threaten leaving him and moving somewhere and not come back for him 🙁 🙁 one time i even pretended to pack my bags… Then after the storm passes and were okay i would apologize to him but im afraid ive damaged him. Ive done this many times.

By: Gabriela Noles Tue, 24 Nov 2015 16:40:23 +0000 Thank you very much for all of these information. It is of much help for me. This is such an amazing post!

By: Karen Martin Mon, 26 Oct 2015 12:24:23 +0000 I am so excited that Elisabeth and Janet have connected. The world for children is becoming so much of a better place for women like these. Thank you Elisabeth and Janet for all you have done for me! xo

By: Elisabeth Corey Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:02:36 +0000 I am sorry for responding so late to this. I just saw this comment. If your son tends to scream during their nap, I wonder if your anxiety rises during that time. Children can sense that energy and react out of fear or stress. Try making a conscious effort to stay as calm and present as possible. Watch your breathing and increase your self awareness during that period of time. See if he calms a bit.

By: Miki Tue, 21 Jul 2015 06:36:38 +0000 I am three kids deep and sinking. This website has changed my life (not exaggerating) in just two short days since I stumbled upon it. I loathe when my five year old son expresses any negative emotion. He writhes and shrieks and usually I respond similarly. Until reading this I had a sad lack of introspection as to why I hated crying. Now I can see it is because of my entire childhood of being encouraged/forced to suppress any emotion whatsoever but especially anything negative. I am hoping through education and awareness I can eliminate my response to his screaming and let him scream because he is just plain old mad. Its not the end of the world. Now my question is: He tends to scream the most when my younger children (2 and 6 months) are napping and I cannot handle when he wakes them up from their naps screaming because his Lego broke, his picture is not perfect or something of that nature. How do I handle him screaming and having tantrums without reacting while I am trying to preserve the sleep of two other children, in a small space? Or do I ignore him? I usually resort to taking privileges away but it definitely does not seem like the right option. Any tips would be great?
