Comments on: Faced with Troubling Behavior – Now What? (with Susan Stiffelman and Maggie Dent) elevating child care Tue, 22 Nov 2022 19:04:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thalia Sun, 27 Oct 2019 02:34:05 +0000 Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love all of you!!! You are all so inspirational. I myself am an early childhood teacher as well as a parent of a ‘rooster’ boy and I feel like I do all the ‘right’ things in my teachings but have to remind myself in my own everyday parenting. You all talk about being present for our children, maybe we change our titles to ‘present’ not ‘parent’. Maybe that will be a constant reminder to all of us?
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom to all parents out there! X

By: Natalie Fri, 25 Oct 2019 13:26:21 +0000 wow wow wow wow! Thank you for this one! I am about to go meet with my son’s pre-school teachers and director regarding some aggressive behavior we have been seeing. I needed to hear this! Your podcasts are ALWAYS my go to! Thank you times a million!
