Comments on: When We Need Our Child to Cooperate elevating child care Mon, 30 Jan 2023 06:25:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Moon Thu, 25 Aug 2022 07:56:03 +0000 Just came to say that we’ve had similar experience as described in the article with medical procedures. Just recently, my now three year old needed a painful injection into a wound and then stitches. When the doctor first announced what needs to be done, my son erupted in hysterics saying he will not have the injection done as he doesn’t want the pain. The doctor suggested we change clinics to a place where he can be sedated for the procedure, but instead I asked her to just give us the room for a few minutes. My son cried and cried, as I explained to him why this needs to be done, and needs to be done fairly quickly. And that it’s completely natural to feel upset and anxious and sad about it. And then, he suddenly was quiet, and said ok. And so it all got done smoothly, much to doctor’s surprise. I’ll never forget this parenting lesson. Just give them a minute (or several!) to express the frustration, hurt, anger about the unavoidable situation. More often than not, they’ll come around.

By: Anna Sun, 26 Sep 2021 03:22:34 +0000 In reply to janet.

I am coming back to this comment by searching your thoughts in thumb sucking again. My son is nearly five now and despite what I think are our best efforts to welcome all his feelings he simply will not stop sucking his thumb. He just says he doesn’t want to. I wish I could ignore it but the germs he is putting into his body bother me. I have told him calmly many times that he could be making himself sick but it doesn’t resonate. He doesn’t suck is thumb at school, but he will basically everywhere else. How hard should I intervene now?

By: janet Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:49:48 +0000 In reply to Chelsea Townsell.

Thank you for your kind support, Chelsea. I’m so sorry you are having this issue. It feels beyond the scope of my ability to advise but I’m wondering if you read or listened to this podcast I did with pediatric urologist Steven Hodges:

I really hope Dr. Hodges perspective is helpful to you.

By: Chelsea Townsell Thu, 16 Sep 2021 13:43:10 +0000 Hi Janet,

I live by your words as if they’re the bible. They really help me through this tough years with two small children (and one more on the way). I am struggling to find success when it comes to my daughter’s chronic constipation, though. I understand that withholding poop is her way of asserting control and do my best to let my 4 year old tell me when she needs to use the bathroom. The second she feels the urge, though, she wants to get off the toilet. It results in days (and days) of withholding, despite Miralax. The doctor suggested ExLax, a chocolate square, but my sweet girl would rather refuse chocolate than be told to eat it. I have explained why the ExLax helps, we have read books about poop, talked about how it can be scary, reflected on all the times she has pooped without pain, etc. I don’t know how to end the power struggle and get her a) stay seated on the toilet long enough to poop and b) how to have her take medication that will help her soften her poop so it’s not painful. I have once had to resort to an enema and neither of us can go through that trauma again. It felt like a violation of her body and brought us both to uncontrollable tears, even after explaining why and how I needed to help her get poop out. I’d be so grateful for some guidance.

Thank you

By: Donna Wed, 22 Aug 2018 19:47:23 +0000 Thank you for your informed and thoughtful articles.

By: janet Mon, 10 Oct 2016 20:55:15 +0000 In reply to Elle.

Do you know which part frightens him? I would calmly explore and acknowledge his fears and then proceed as I advise in this post:

By: Elle Mon, 10 Oct 2016 18:47:13 +0000 My 2.5 year old is terrified of getting a haircut! His hair is getting very long and is starting to get in his eyes. How should I handle this as it’s time that he really needs a haircut!

By: G Sun, 14 Aug 2016 20:39:39 +0000 In reply to janet.

That’s maybe the issue. When I read it here on your blog, I thought that it makes totally sense, so I tried when my child was little (like during change/bath). Just nothing. And so on. For a long time I have even had the impression that my child would not understand me (we are a multilingual family with no rigid boundaries between languages), but now I’m sure that it’s not the case. And yeah, I’m probably trying too hard to sell him something and at the same time to control myself as I was raised by a yelling mother, so I’m constantly make efforts not to yellow. Thanks for the hindsigh.

By: janet Sat, 13 Aug 2016 22:56:13 +0000 In reply to G.

Oh, dear. The last thing I want is for you to feel stupid. Hmm… What is going through your mind when your offer your child this kind of information? What are you thinking and feeling? Do you feel like you talking to your child the way you would with any other person? A friend? Are you simply relaying some information? Sometimes we work a bit too hard at this and can give children the impression we’re trying to sell them on something, which usually doesn’t go over too well.

By: janet Sat, 13 Aug 2016 22:55:10 +0000 In reply to Adriana.

“…parenting has become more joyful and natural.” YES! That makes me do a happy dance! You’re so welcome, Adriana.
