Comments on: How to Help Our Indecisive Toddlers elevating child care Sat, 14 Aug 2021 05:37:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Gorton Wed, 08 Jul 2020 18:29:25 +0000 At what point in general do you say…..okay no more questions time to do this….when they say no, then you pull it away he says yes…..then no and I could go on and on. I offer choices he does the same thing. Not long before I get frustrated and pull the plug on everything. If it’s food I’ll leave it out and he’ll usually circle back to it.

Thanks in advance for feedback. jim

By: Arthee Sun, 19 Apr 2020 06:30:15 +0000 Thank you as always Janet. This has been a recent issue and a quick search helped me find answers for a current issue for us. Such wonderful advice to navigate parenthood!

By: Aleks Wed, 06 Nov 2019 19:41:16 +0000 Hi Janet
I love your advice here, but I have a different problem
My life consists of solely 100% parenting my 10 month old- whose great but bites , 4 yo who hits because I’ve been so busy, 5 yo and 7 yo whose been screaming and whinging a lot lately. I’m exhausted and partly lonely so nearly everyday we go to the park after school to socialise, but no matter what after school seems such a “do do do and hurry up” yelling match I miss down time my kids but w dinners- messy ones , cleaning, bathing etc all on my own plus want my time I’m exhausted And grumpy

By: Savannah Mon, 19 Dec 2016 19:33:10 +0000 In reply to Shannon.

Shannon!!! Thank you, this is exactly what my 2 and a half year old is going through. At lunch, here do you want applesauce, no applesauce, ok fine, YES, YES applesauce. Gets in trouble for hitting 1 year old sister, I come to talk to him, No Spank, Mama No Spank. I am not going to spank, you need to go say sorry to sissy and make sure she is ok. Yes spank, yes spank mama. Here is your car, No i don’t want cars, ok fine, yes yes cars. I am losing my mind. I have tried holding my ground and sticking through the battle, I have tried allowing him to change his mind. But it has been about 2 weeks of this nonsense and I need a different tactic.

By: Sara Tue, 25 Oct 2016 19:10:48 +0000 In reply to janet.

Thank you so much. I have not read that one until now.

By: janet Tue, 25 Oct 2016 15:24:08 +0000 In reply to Sara.

Thank you, Sara. I’d hug you back! Yes, sometimes we do have to pick our children up and help move them forward. The key is to approach these situations with Mama Bear love and confidence, rather than with the slightest annoyance, frustration or anger. Have you read this post?

By: Sara Tue, 25 Oct 2016 09:42:22 +0000 Hi Janet,
Awesome post. One of these days I hope to hug you in person! You have been a rock for me while raising my first child. I own your books and follow your blogs and daily emails. My question today kind of goes hand in hand with this post and I am stuck. My 20 month old is giving me a hard time every time we have to get her dressed. Options or not. She will curl up on her rocking chair and just smile at me, as I cannot change her in that position. I do offer for her to change on the floor or table, and for her to get dressed or for me to help her. I end up having to snatch her up and hold her down between my knees so I can dress her. I am afraid I am causing emotional damage by “holding down”. I go through the same thing with her teeth. Two options, no reply…I tell her that I will decide instead. Then my husband and I end up holding her down. Please help!!
Thank you for everything and all you do!

By: Gardy86 Tue, 08 Mar 2016 02:11:57 +0000 Thank you for the suoer helpful post. I was wondering if you could some advice on the following situation. How do I respond to this.

Scenario 1. My two year old wants to eat a peach. I tell her we don’t have any peaches but she can have an apple or a plum. She continues to yell, ‘NO, Peach!’ then cries and screams. I usually say something like ‘I know you want a peach, they are very yummy but we only have apples and plums’.

Scenario 2- 2 year old is playing with her baby doll and wants a blanket for it. I take her to our blanket stash but every blanket is ‘too big.’ By now she is beside herself because she isn’t happy with any blanket. I literally show her every item that could be used as a blanket from a square of toilet paper, a hanky, a tea towel and an actual blanket but this seems to add to her frustration. I end up saying something like, ‘ok, no more playing with baby doll as it is making you very frustrated” and we then leave the actually. I am not sure what else I should do.

Please tell me this is somewhat normal. Any advice would be appreciated.

By: Emma Thu, 05 Mar 2015 05:40:51 +0000 In reply to janet.

Oh, this is so helpful for me because my two year old is exactly the same. We often go back and forth with the “take it away”, “no, don’t take it” scenarios at meal times (as well as the “yes shoes”, “no shoes” example plus many others) and I need to remember to not be afraid to let her do what she needs to do – scream- even if it is at an inconvenient moment. Hard when there is a baby in the house too but I’m sure that’s contributing to the behaviour!

By: Ludmila Mon, 14 Apr 2014 18:48:33 +0000 My 2 year old son refuses to take a bath in the tub so we change to the shower and works well…
