Comments on: Raising Self-Directed Learners in Any School Environment (with Laura Grace Weldon) elevating child care Tue, 22 Nov 2022 00:48:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marian Thu, 05 Jul 2018 13:59:22 +0000 My daughter did addition today…no ‘formal’ education. She is almost 5, but she was setting the table and said, “Not two plates…we are three, so here’s three.” I just count and point things out in books, during reading time, and when I am doing my own work in the kitchen. The other day, we put together a shoe tree and I had her lay out the parts and pointed out why it helps to know the alphabet and numbers, because it guides us in directions. We had a great time. She was amazed by the process. But I didn’t have her do the alphabet, I just casually mention these things.

Parents cede all authority to teachers, which I find so sad, as I believe my daughter watching how our family works and conflict resolution and the constant learning that there is going on…it forms her foundation.

I love Laura’s book and it is giving me the confidence to go against family opinion on homeschooling and trust my instincts—which go back thousands of years: school is so new in our history.

Thank you Laura and Janet.
