Comments on: Problems with Potty Training, Constipation, Bedwetting, and Preschool Policies (with Dr. Steven Hodges) elevating child care Fri, 05 Apr 2024 04:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julia Veisz Fri, 05 Apr 2024 04:43:48 +0000 In reply to Toni.

In my opinion the problem is that it leaves very little room for independence and involves a lot of placing the baby into position he/she cannot assume alone yet.

Dr Falk wrote this on EC in an article:

“This is different from the parents who are ‘doing’ elimination communication. In many cases when parents say they are doing elimination communication with their child, they aren’t. They tune-in from the head – conscious and cognitive. Indigenous Mothers, however, tune in with their intuitive senses; they themselves can feel when the baby wants a pee, and hold them out, with 100% accuracy. No holding out in vain. Many people practising elimination communication are actually ‘potty training by another name’. The result of their practice is conditioning, and not voluntary control.”

Hope that helps!

By: Elizabeth Thu, 24 Mar 2022 09:48:28 +0000 I am curious how you would respond to a preschool that is forcing a child home for “accidents” when she has a diagnosed medical condition. Unfortunately, this isn’t a “problem” that can be fixed in a week. It’s going to take her body time to heal.

By: Big Pooper Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:20:48 +0000 Meat and dairy have zero fibre and fibre needs to be part of this conversation. This is why other cultures and other generations and vegans don’t have these same issues.

By: janet Wed, 07 Jul 2021 22:16:26 +0000 In reply to Lauren.

My pleasure, Lauren. Thank you for your kind support!

By: R. M. Pardee Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:15:42 +0000 In reply to Toni.

Me too!

By: Lauren Tue, 01 Jun 2021 03:11:20 +0000 In reply to janet.

Janet, thank you so much for this podcast. This is something we are truly struggling with my 4 year old and you are giving us mothers access to information that is so uncommonly known. I feel more empowered than ever that I can help my son through something that is causing him so much distress. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

By: janet Sun, 23 May 2021 21:34:13 +0000 In reply to Elmira.

Thank you for your kind words about my work, Elmira!

Regarding: “…this one left me a bit puzzled… especially when doctor recommends leaving children in diapers so late in age (what about people in countries with no access to water or diapers?)”

Did you understand why the doctor advised against earlier potty training? It’s because, in his professional experience, problems with constipation, bedwetting, accidents and delayed toilet learning are most often caused by children holding in their urine and feces, which is a common tendency beginning in infancy. To prevent this, Dr. Hodges strongly recommends that children (and everyone) relieve themselves immediately, which children feel free to do when wearing a diaper. If they need an adult to carry them to a potty, they may instinctively begin the habit of holding.

In the communities you refer to, babies are able to relieve themselves anytime, anywhere, but that is not the case in most western societies. If you have that situation for your child and EC appeals, more power to you!

Dr. Hodges shares his views on EC and other early potty training here:

Would love to see any and all research you have for these statements: ” Like all mammals, human babies instinctually resist soiling themselves, their sleep space, and their caregivers, and they clearly communicate about it from birth.”

Humans differ from other mammals in many ways. I have spent thousands of hours sensitively observing babies, and never has there been an indication when wetting their diapers that they’re thinking, “ugh, this is dirty, get this away from me.” That idea is the adult’s distaste speaking loud and clear and I wish EC proponents would recognize and own it. Instead they seem blind to their personal projections which, for me, raises red flags about everything they assert. And they do assert. They assert their views into every conversation about toileting, even in my post about toilet training being unnecessary, they are there preaching to parents in the comments that they should do this work.

Also, it’s puzzling to me that rural communities without access to diapers are considered, but parents in our own communities who work one or more jobs to make ends meet and either cannot afford the luxury or just don’t wish to stay glued to their child 24/7 are not. Even if they thought it was a good idea (and I don’t), the EC method is impossible for the majority of parents. For that reason alone, I would not recommend it.

Again, thank you, and I hope you won’t be angry with me for not valuing EC as you do! There are also other reasons that I don’t recommend it, but I won’t get into them here.

By: janet Sun, 23 May 2021 16:39:24 +0000 In reply to S G.

My pleasure!

By: Farheena Rahman Sun, 23 May 2021 11:10:13 +0000 In reply to Toni.

I second that question. I’d be really keen to hear the view on elimination communication too.

By: Elmira Thu, 13 May 2021 13:57:30 +0000 I love Janet’s podcast but this one left me a bit puzzled… especially when doctor recommends leaving children in diapers so late in age (what about people in countries with no access to water or diapers?) Please do not think this is a judgment, because I know when you know better, you do better…

The doctor in this podcast has very useful information and helpful tips. And I truly hope it’ll help parents with dealing with bedwetting issues.

As I said I love all Janet’s podcasts, and hoping maybe Janet can reach to Andrea Olson to get another point of view on this topic, (she is mother of 5 babies, all ECed from birth, all out of diapers by walking – and owner of Go Diaper Free) and do a podcast with her…. she is all about Elimination Communication. She has some valuable information on Potty Training, taking an example from tribal cultures on different levels (not only Potty Training, but also deepening connection to your baby, start trusting your parental instincts etc)
Here is some of her thoughts from her website:

“Elimination Communication is a gentle, non-coercive way to respond to a baby’s natural hygiene needs, from as early as birth. Like all mammals, human babies instinctually resist soiling themselves, their sleep space, and their caregivers, and they clearly communicate about it from birth.

I’m bringing a touch of the sacred to the profane: how we deal with our children’s waste, as a culture. Do we bury it (eternally mummified in plastic and gel goo), teach them to ignore their instincts, train our kids to poo and pee on themselves and pretend it isn’t there, give them the huge responsibility to train themselves out of something we’ve trained them into? Do we dishonor the Earth by stuffing Her with poo-filled Pampers?

Or…do we honor this natural process, honor our babies’ communication and desire for cleanliness, tune in and assist our babies in property disposing of their waste?”

Also I understand that it is also not for everyone, and like not everyone have access to diapers, not everyone have access to whole foods diet which is also a huge factor to dealing with constipation. (Plenty of water (not juice or milk) can help with that, too.)

So I am hoping that Janet will find someone with background in kids nutrition (since the topic of Potty Training goes far beyond just actually potty training) and do a podcast on that as well…

Either way thank you Janet and team for helping parents and bringing awareness and knowledge, I know it is a lot of work. It personally helped me tremendously in parenting, I truly appreciate your hard work.

Thank You,
