Comments on: The Power of Authenticity with Our Children – Why It Matters elevating child care Tue, 22 Nov 2022 01:05:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: janet Sat, 28 May 2022 22:08:58 +0000 In reply to Jane Mangue.

Thank you and I’m so sorry for the confusion! My point is to not be inauthentic, phony, overenthusiastic, etc. I see that as very different from unloading our feelings on our children. I’ve shared in other posts and podcasts about sharing our feelings with children in a manner that doesn’t scare them or make them feel responsible for our happiness. Here are a couple of links, if you’re interested:


I hope that helps clarify! x Janet

By: Jane Mangue Sat, 28 May 2022 04:24:24 +0000 This one confused me. I seems like you are encouraging parents to be authentic with their children only when the parent is feeling calm and capable. That the frustration we feel needs to be digested and transformed into a calm and confident leader – in the moment! This is a wonderful goal, but I don’t find very realistic when dealing with actual humans. I want to be authentic with my child, but am still wondering how much authenticity to disclose at times. I don’t want her to feel like she needs to hide her emotions, or tend to mine. But I also want her to know that we all (even her mother!) deal with the full spectrum of human emotion. Thanks for all you do!
