Comments on: RIE Parenting Basics (9 Ways to Put Respect into Action) elevating child care Tue, 26 Jul 2022 04:23:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julia Cotterill Sun, 10 Apr 2022 15:42:11 +0000 In reply to Ekanem Ebinne.

Thank you for this post! I’m reading “Bringing Up Bebe” and I’m making so many connections between RIE and “the pause” Druckerman discusses. Do you see the two parenting styles as compatible?

By: Kim Mon, 03 Jan 2022 10:30:14 +0000 In reply to janet.

Hi Janet,

It would be fantastic to get a little more detail on this as I’m having a similar problem. It would be amazing to see video clips of someone implementing this advice if at all possible.

Thank you for your amazing work,

By: Cynthia Cunningham Shigo Fri, 06 Dec 2019 16:25:22 +0000 I raised my own daughters this way years ago, without knowing exactly what I was doing. Now my younger daughter lives by your books and I am watching her raise our grandson with such respect for who he is and such love and joy. There is only one of these suggestions I have difficulty following, and that is in encouraging independent play. It is so much fun to play with him, and when I am watching him, two days a week, I have nothing else that requires my attention, so he has very little time to play by himself. Now he is 3 and he expects me to play with him. Any ideas for how to encourage independent play at this stage?

By: Ashley Burgos Sun, 02 Sep 2018 14:51:50 +0000 Thank you for your articles!

By: Zohal Sun, 13 May 2018 10:37:44 +0000 Hi Janet,
I have been reading your blog for last 3 years and it has helped me immensely.
Lately, I been introduced to right brain education through a Shichida website. I found it reasonable and amazing and scientific as well but it conflicts with some RIE practice . What’s your take on this? Thanks

By: Monica Bhagwan Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:41:49 +0000 My kids are way past infancy but this philosophy and practice resonate so much. I had to bumble my way through it and with lots of mistakes so I wish I had this guidance awhile back. I see now that my kids have become these remarkable human beings and I am greatful that I more or less did alot of this. I certainly don’t take the credit for what “I did”–I just believe that I wanted to let them be who they are. Now that I hit upon RIE as a concept, I look forward to learning more

By: أسماء الطيب Thu, 04 Jan 2018 08:34:15 +0000 thank you

By: Tammy Sun, 08 Jan 2017 00:42:46 +0000 In reply to janet.

Hi Janet

I’ve been reading up a lot about the RIE approach and am now thinking I could apply this at home.
My son was in an unfortunate position as a young child for which I left his father when he was 2 for domestic abuse. He would act out and lash out and would get very upset around strangers. He was diagnosed with apraxia of speech and attended a language school until 2015.
This is no longer the case. He has become a confident little person amoung the family & community. He has a love of science, maths & being outdoors on bikes etc. My son is seven now and for the most part things are great. However I am hearing the You Must do this… or No we are going to do this… and while I am firm in my resolve and he knows this and does as he has been asked it is sometimes difficult. He also does this with his grandmother.
My biggest concern is when he is angry or upset about something as while he doesn’t act out physically he is verbally aggressive. When someone cuts us off in the car he shouts & says they should have their licence removed or be chained and put in jail. I try to explain that people make mistakes.
When he’s watching kids programs & someone hurts an animal he gets super angry again saying things that are violent. On occasion he has said things like stab them in the heart.
I am happy that he feels so passionate about animals & wildlife but am concerned that what he’s saying is so violent and I don’t know if it’s something he will grow out of or if there’s strategies I can use to help him calm some of this anger he feels inside or if he will need more help from someone other than me. I am also encouraging more independence as until recently he has still gotten upset unless I sit at his door at bedtime. This finally seems to be happing less regularly.
I also seem to be recieving a lot of attitude, which I figure may just be a stage. He is not having contact with his father & this is still an ongoing process. Please let me know what you think or can suggest.

By: janet Wed, 07 Dec 2016 04:17:49 +0000 In reply to JF Stover.

Fixed! I can’t thank you enough, JF!

By: JF Stover Tue, 06 Dec 2016 18:54:15 +0000 Typo in bullet point #4. . last sentence.
Thanks, Janet, I’m a learning grandpa.
