Comments on: Parenting in Anxious Times (with Susan Stiffelman, MFT) elevating child care Tue, 22 Nov 2022 00:40:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justyna Tue, 28 Apr 2020 04:47:27 +0000 Thank you for supporting the community around the world in these difficult times! I benefit over and over again from your wisdom. It’s already the 6th week of social quarantine in Poland and I have 2 kids: 3,5 and almost 2. They play a lot independently and that is so helpful! They are not bored at all 🙂
It’s not easy to be together 24 h/day and offer the children only a short walk as the highlight of the day. There are many ups and downs. But I can enjoy the time with them and try to focus on that. Every night before going to bed I think: Today, it was sometimes difficult but I am happy I was with them.

By: Gael Tue, 14 Apr 2020 23:36:29 +0000 Loved the episode. Lots of incredibly insightful food for thought and tips. Thanks both of you.

I have a question. I understood that Susan suggested that when depleted, or for whatever reason, we decide to give in to a demand made by our child that we would usually not give in to, we should try to make it pass as our own in order to keep the facade of the calm captain of the ship.

I wonder if in doing so we are not losing authenticity. Do we actually need to pretend to be in charge at all times? I would think that in some certain occasions we can actually be an acquiescent captain and let it be known. Is that bad? Would children the take an advantage of us? Somehow I felt I would be manipulative if I pretended that the second slice of pizza was my own idea when I would clearly not usually accept the thought of it.
Would love to hear other thoughts on this.
