Comments on: Helping Children Thrive in Preschool – What Parents and Teachers Can Do (with Mr. Chazz) elevating child care Mon, 21 Nov 2022 11:19:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellie wells Tue, 20 Apr 2021 18:47:05 +0000 We recently decided to start our 3-year-old in a daycare for the first time. She has never really been around other kids. She’s an only child, and turned 2 shortly before the pandemic hit and socialization became either impossible or a bad idea. It hasn’t been going well, and although I know a lot of the issues are stemming from how different going to “school” is compared to her other life experiences so far, I hate how limited my choices in daycares was.

I don’t want her somewhere that they’re holding her little hand to write her entire name and having her do worksheets and teacher art half the day, or even at all. I just want her to be around other kids and be safe and have time to play and experiment. But when I explained this to my family and friends the response was pretty similar from everyone – basically, yeah right. That kind of daycare doesn’t exist in our area.

My daughter loathes going, and like I said – I know the issue isn’t entirely the daycare itself, and I wish I had strategies for helping those days go more smoothly on my end, but my biggest issue is not knowing how to find somewhere that can just let her be a kid.

By: Danny Stone Thu, 05 Nov 2020 14:18:25 +0000 Hi Janet and Mr. Chazz,
Another great topic covered, thx.
How important is it for 5yo kids to arrive at school/centre on time? How does it affect the social dynamics between children when a child is ALWAYS arriving after all the rest of the kids.
My 5yo child seems to get left out of social groups at “school”, and I wonder if this can be a factor. By all accounts she has no issues and is generally well liked. But she isn’t included and often feels left out.

