Comments on: 5 Benefits of Sportscasting Our Child’s Struggles elevating child care Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:29:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elaheh Golabi Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:29:43 +0000 That’s great thank you

By: Claire Tue, 08 Sep 2020 17:36:12 +0000 Thank you for the article. I’m struggling to find a way to support my 5-yr old boy who has a hard time with children’s that are more prone to joking and teasing than he is. Recently, my 3.5-yr old nephew was visiting and got a kick at calling my son a baby or telling him that his favorite color was something other than the color my son named as his favorite. Of course, as soon as he saw it upset my son, he thought it was a funny game and would keep on. I tried intervening by reminding both boys “we don’t call names” or point out that it was silly to get upset when someone says your favorite color is something other than your favorite. (After all, who knows you better than yourself!) Unfortunately, none of this made a difference and I couldn’t find a way to help him overcome it.
I’ve noticed the same thing happens with my son and one of his closest friends, who usually gets a laugh at finding something that will upset my son. In those cases I’ve told him to try not to let in that something bothers him and they probably won’t keep on because it won’t be funny. This is probably horrible advice, I’m just at a loss as what to do.

I’ve always appreciated your wisdom and am hoping you might have some good insight to share in this case.

By: Sportscasting | Lea Jovy Mon, 08 Jul 2019 20:54:18 +0000 […] version of sportscasting is adapted and developed from Janet Lansbury’s technique to help describe the nonjudgmental, “just the facts” verbalization of events she advised […]

By: She Will Want to Come Too | Philip Mott Thu, 21 Dec 2017 18:35:40 +0000 […] that should impact our decisions. I credit our respectful interactions and our intentional “sportscasting” that have helped him be this aware, especially at 3.5 years […]

By: Sportscasting / "Að lýsa leiknum" - Hvað er það og hvernig á að nota það? - Respectful Mom Fri, 15 Dec 2017 09:01:13 +0000 […] 5 Benefits of Sportscasting Our Child’s Struggles […]

By: vee Thu, 05 Nov 2015 23:13:15 +0000 Hi I have a few question about my 4 and 1/2 years old twin girls who have just started school. I Feel drained and helpless as they do not listen to me. They fight and hell at each and argue sometimes. I need advise on how to get them ready for school without getting frustrated and how to cope when they are not listening to me. They seem to run around the house jump on furniture the sofas jump on the bed. When they good the play well together are are good friends. I recently have episodes when picking them up from school at 3pm they kick off and start behaving badly and cannot seem to get home with out telling them off about the way they are behaving. They do not want to walk home after school they expect a snack after school when I pick them up. How can children leave a parent feeling helpless or is they anything I am doing wrong. The other twins kicks of everyday in class with teacher but they leave her to calm down on quiet time. she spat at the teacher on the first day of school on the floor. I need more positive parenting as I am always feeing what is the next thing they will do scream down the shop and run or yell at me in public with a big NO which they do most times. I feel people do look at me and say it must be hard work and i feel embarrassed at times to have children just do not behave in public. I will appreciate advise so I can help my little girls . Thank you

By: Liz Fri, 20 Jun 2014 22:33:29 +0000 Hi Janet, Thanks again for another insightful post! I was hoping for some guidance in how to better support my (just turned) 2 year old daughter. She often plays with a 3 year old boy. She adores him and finds him fascinating, follows him and watches while he busily plays with toys and is very focussed on his personal games which at present, he wants to remain solo. Often she will pick up a toy but as soon as he notices, he crossly takes it from her, telling her off. I generally don’t interrupt their interaction if I can see she is still just interested by his reaction and normally has no problem giving him the toy, almost like she sees the whole exchange as a game in itself, however lately she is showing signs of distress and I attempt to sportscast but generally it’s all over by the end of my sentence and she is left looking overthrown and deflated while he’s moving on from one thing to the next. Is there more I could be doing for her? The age gap between them means he is often dominant.

By: Deb Tue, 29 Apr 2014 20:56:05 +0000 As always a wonderful post Janet! Our 3 1/2 year old really, really, REALLY struggles with waiting for anything. I wonder if sportscasting what he’s doing and appears to be feeling and thinking would help, or if it would make the problem worse. What we see is constantly repeating what he wants relentlessly. We do acknowledge what he is saying without judgement, but it makes no difference. He continues repeating and repeating and it gets more and more intense… thoughts on whether sportscasting would help?

By: kelly Thu, 17 Apr 2014 15:01:18 +0000 my question is similar to erin’s above. my 14 month old is getting more and more assertive with her 3 year old sister and i’m not sure when to step in during conflicts. i have been trying to stay as hands off as possible- there is rarely danger of anyone getting injured and i keep my comments as neutral as i can “play with gentle hands please”.
however i am starting to struggle with behavior that i don’t think is appropriate. my 3 year old grabbing her little sister by the neck of her shirt for example. do i step in and say “we don’t grab people by their clothes” (this is what i would say if she was hanging on my shirt) or do i stay quiet and let the two of them work it out on their own?
i feel like this is still the beginning of their playful interaction and i want to set the right tone- help them get off to the best relationship possible. any advice?

By: allison Sun, 15 Dec 2013 02:13:26 +0000 Hi,

I have been reading some of your articles and am interesting in RIE. I have two questions.
1) Would you still sportscast for your child/situation around other kids/parents that don’t follow the RIE way?

2) How does a child learn how to share or take turns if we don’t show them, model it for them, or suggest it to them? Do kids really come up with this solution on their own? (my son is very young so I have yet to see this in person, but assume you have!!)
