Comments on: Tantrums and Meltdowns – My Secret For Staying Calm When My Kids Aren’t elevating child care Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:42:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:42:44 +0000 In reply to Yulia.

I think it’s OK and even good to soothe, conmfort, and empathize with your child as they get their emotions out. This can look a lot of ways – naming feelings, offering hugs/cuddles, just sitting calmly with your child as they cry. It’s called coregulation and kids need it from their trusted adults. I think what Janet says is to not see the crying as something that needs to be stopped or fixed. We don’t want kids to see letting their emotions out as a bad thing, but it is ok to help them through the process if they need it. Sometimes my kids will scream and cry and I can ignore and they will get over it quickly. Other times, I see the crying start to distress them and I know I need to support them in getting regulated again.

By: Jess Wed, 08 Feb 2023 16:31:29 +0000 In reply to Gloria.


By: Gloria Wed, 04 May 2022 00:10:16 +0000 In reply to janet.

I loved this strategy, thank you so much. I sometimes build inner alternative ways to deal with situations, like the hero suit you’re mentioning but I tell myself I’m being immature and that a grown woman shouldn’t even consider such ways of thinking. I see how I’m not validating myself so no wonder why I often fail to validate my children’s views without being aware. I had controlling parents who’s only intention was to try to model a close to perfect human being but ended up raising a super insecure person who, now as an adult, keeps gaslighting herself, not able to tell between what self conceived strategies can work and what to discard. I find it hard to discern what’s the voice of my heart and what’s just an attempt to be the perfect being the ego keeps demanding me to become, which of course is unreachable and fictional.
I’ll try to stop ridiculing that playful voice that makes me want to try things outside what I believe are the ‘mature’ ways. I’ll try and validate that creative side of me. Perhaps that will give my kids a happier mom. Thank you for sharing a secret I have been considering as almost an unforgivable ‘sin’ in my self.

By: Gentle Parenting: How to Handle Toddler Tantrums - Fri, 15 Apr 2022 12:13:49 +0000 […] they’re being left alone and having to figure everything out themselves. A tantrum is actually a request for help, as explained by educator and author Janet […]

By: Erica Kirkham Tue, 30 Nov 2021 18:46:21 +0000 Hi Janet, I know we are typically supposed to let our child’s upset feelings run their course and not rush to calm them, but what about when the child themself expresses a desire to calm down but is unable to do so by themselves? My 3.5 year old got so upset at breakfast this morning that she couldn’t stop crying to eat, and she kept saying she was hungry and wanted to eat but couldn’t calm down. I tried to help her do long breaths in and out, rubbed her back, when she left the room I gave her space but still close by, then when she came back she asked me to snuggle so I snuggled her while she continued to scream and arch her back. This was the first time she’d expressed a desire to calm down and seemed kind of freaked out that she couldn’t. Are there other strategies to try in this type of situation? What finally helped her move forward was running around the couch. (Her pretending to be the gingerbread man and my husband chasing her and pretending to eat her.)

By: Adina Tue, 30 Nov 2021 07:16:35 +0000 Hi, Janet. I do all of this since she once a baby. But now I cannot pick her up, nor calm her and when we have tsntrums litterally all day long, me.working at home with her, fpr days, and single mother, I just fail the xam and just have a tantrum..and than I feel so gulty that is very hard to snap out of it..what to do else than getting help which I cannot? We are going to herapist and I read and to circle of safety and all that and I still fail 🙁

By: Jenny Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:30:49 +0000 Hi Janet,
We came to the RIE Center when it was in Silverlake and have a few wonderful memories of the handful of sessions w you! Unfortunately for us it moved shortly after.. I was hoping you can give some guidance for those of us (is me ) w tweens and teens during these times. I find I can „loose my cool“ more easily after months of quarantine and also let myself be pulled into my kids upsets. I desperately want to be their calm leader and have a hard time recovering/repairing after we all flood… thanks!

By: Elyssa Thu, 18 Jun 2020 17:26:45 +0000 In reply to Harper Johnston.

Love this! I will try to remember to sing “Girl from Ipanema“ in my head to calm down from now on…

By: janet Fri, 05 Apr 2019 21:33:20 +0000 In reply to Erica Hughes.

I agree!

By: Erica Hughes Fri, 05 Apr 2019 19:49:07 +0000 In reply to Yulia.

I don’t know how Janet would respond to this. But personally I always comfort my child when she is crying, by holding her if she wants me to, by putting a hand on her back, or by just being nearby. It all depends on what she wants. Sometimes she is angry and so doesn’t want me touching her, but staying close by to show I am there for her when she is finished, it a show of comfort too. I think if we can stay calm and ake the cues from our children we are doing the right thing. Best of luck!
