Comments on: Healing a Child’s Anger (a Powerful Success Story) elevating child care Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:32:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lindsay Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:32:13 +0000 Full body sobs listening to this this morning. My four year old is so angry. He’s been through so much in the last few years (several moves, a new sibling, parents stressed with transitions, and starting school full time when he’d rather be home at least half time – unfortunately he can’t because I have to earn more). He’s working so hard, but his anger overflows violently sometimes. I know that there’s a huge dam of emotions that needs to break, and I really want to do what this mom does here. I have all those same internal voices come up when I try to support him through the waves, and I’ve never managed to fully ride them out. I want that experience she mentions of feeling what it’s like in my body to really offer full support. I really want that confidence in my own ability to hold space for such difficult feelings. The truth is that I have trouble with my own difficult feelings and am just at 35 learning how to release my own feelings. This is a part of parenting I was fully unprepared for and it’s so so hard. Always SO grateful for these stories and this podcast.

By: Leanne Tue, 17 Jan 2023 02:23:40 +0000 I found this article fascinating regarding the mother’s strength and mental fortitude as she remained unruffled through this scenario. My question is: if my kid is spirited/wired with high emotion, and I don’t have the patience and calmness to be like this mom…is there a “beginner” level way to respond as we work up to this mom-ninja level of healing?
(p.s. I’m a loyal reader of your work, I just can’t seem to reach this healing).

By: Jennifer Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:24:44 +0000 Is this process Ok for a child with medical trauma from being held down for extended period of time (25 mins)for multiple unsuccessful (8) IV insertion attempts while having his foreskin forcibly retracted for a urine sample without my consent. He was 2.5 at the time. He is 4 now and has explosive anger…I’ve tried this method and feel that I could be triggering his trauma.

Or is this just a process he has to go through to come out the other side. I was with him but I unfortunately didn’t step in and stop the doctors. He has alot of anger toward me and he even said once he thought I was one of the docs (bc I had to wear and mask and gown like them) I feel like he needs this release bc he WILL NOT CRY. He only has vague memories.

I see other parents like how do I get my Child to stop crying and I’m like Oh I wish I had that problem. He just sucks the tears back. He’s afraid to cry I think bc it reminds him of crying while being “tortured” and he doesn’t want to feel.that again.


By: Lauren Thu, 20 Jan 2022 10:39:47 +0000 In reply to Alice.

Wow that’s really inspiring! I wonder if you might share how things came to change for you. I’m in the thick of it right now with my 7 year old. We’ve moved internationally and have a new baby at home. She has explosive anger, seemingly out of nowhere and it’s mostly directed at me. I try so hard to give her as much attention as I can, every single free minute I try to play with her or talk to her as that seems to help (and am therefore completely neglecting myself). But still she has explosive tantrums no matter how much love and time I give her. It’s hard to have confidence in these moments. I wonder if I’m being too permissive and if I should have stronger boundaries on not tolerating that kind of abusive and hateful language. I also fear for the younger one witnessing this kind of rage, because it is stressful and also it sets an example. I’m hoping I’ll be in your shoes in a couple years because right now things feel scary.

By: Cathy Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:44:19 +0000 In reply to Cathy.

Our 8 year old sounds so similar. I describe his meltdowns as explosive. He hits and tries to hurt me, throws things which often end up broken.
I try to give him space, but he comes at me and I find myself restraining him to protect myself – do you find this?
I hate holding him but I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want things being broken.
As for the motivation part, I agree, points are not the way to handle this, you’re right.
I’d love a little more guidance too on how to handle this oh so hard physical aggression during meltdowns.

By: Gina Tue, 18 Jan 2022 00:55:18 +0000 In reply to Ashli Owen-Smith.

I think the reason she did not give her son space when he wanted is because there was a problem from the night before that was not resolved. the Mother realized that her son needed to express himself in order to reconcile the issue from the previous night.

By: Shelley Sun, 11 Jul 2021 16:14:08 +0000 Thank you for this. I am having trouble communicating with my brother. We are in our 40s now. He is the little boy and I’m trying hard not to take his anger personally. I can read and reread this post to help myself ride through this challenging time. I appreciate it, thank you.

By: Kate Fri, 05 Feb 2021 03:46:44 +0000 In reply to Ashli Owen-Smith.

I had the exact same thought listening to this podcast, and came here to ask the same question (and, also like this commenter, am such a huge admirer of your work and recommend your books and podcast all the time). The celebration of the mother ignoring her son’s request for space made me really uncomfortable. I would love to hear you address why this is OK (and perhaps also touch on how it relates to teaching our children about consent). Thank you for all that you do!

By: Alice Sun, 31 Jan 2021 18:37:03 +0000 In reply to Debbie.

This mum literally deserves a medal. I hope she reads our comments because I think she is heroic. She’s now my number one role model for how to deal with all these waves! I feel lucky that my seven year old was once that angry five and six year old. He is now the picture of emotional awareness and calm, and I didn’t handle the situation anywhere near as well as this amazing mama. Never ever did I get to the point of healing that she and her son have done, and my son has pulled through (for now). So I just want to say to her that is does pass, the explosive and sometimes cruel child can come out the other side. It doesn’t last forever and even if it does, it looks like she’s completely bossing it!

By: Debbie Sat, 23 Jan 2021 05:42:09 +0000 Thank you to the mother who shared her story and to you for choosing to share it with us as well. Her experience and your follow up commentary are extremely helpful.

Ashli has a good question, which I have as well. When do you know that your child really needs space vs. when they don’t? I just encountered this tonight (again) with my LO and gave the space that was asked for. That helped to de-escalate the situation.

I also love the part from your daughters’ interview that you call out as well. That insight about adults having tantrums was a huge AHA moment for me.
