Comments on: No Need For TV, Baby elevating child care Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:25:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ashley Thu, 08 Sep 2016 03:20:57 +0000 Hi Janet,
I am a first time mom to a 3 month old girl. I never leave her to watch tv alone, and since discovering your blog I’ve been trying to foster more and more independent play. However, we got a set of baby Einstein DVDs as a gift at my shower, and I’m curious what your thoughts are on those? Should I avoid using them all together? Thanks!

By: janet Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:59:04 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Thank you for sharing your experience, Sarah! It has been mine, too, with all three of my children. And the parents in my classes share similar stories. Congratulations on your mindfulness and concerted effort!

THIS is simply insane and a very sad reflection of our times: “…had 1 couple ask what medication he was on.”

By: Sarah Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:03:23 +0000 I found Janet’s blog and RIE when my now 2.6 yo boy was a few months old. We’ve recently had grandparents from overseas staying with us (who have another 5 grand kids back home). Last time they were here my son was 9 months and we got constant comments about how he must be so bored without TV and how would he learn anything without TV. This time at 2.5 years they are constantly blown away and amazed by his independent play. They cannot believe that a child can initiate their own play and play contentedly for such long periods of time. They are very proud that they can take him to cafés and restaurants where he sits and eats, drinks or plays quietly at the table. They love the comments from other grandparents and apparently had 1 couple ask what medication he was on. This visit they where very respectful of our parenting choices and approach. No TV has been an easier choice for us as we have no family close by to undermine our decision. It was a conscious decision to have no TV but thanks to finding RIE and the ideas and inspiration it offered we’ve never found it difficult. I’ve never struggled to shower, cook dinner or even get some work done on the computer because my son is bored. Sometimes I even sit down, put my feet up and relax with a good book while he plays in the same room! Thank you Janet & Magda.

By: Sean Saulsbury Sun, 04 Nov 2012 05:17:21 +0000 There is a great video about the growth of the child’s brain and how television watching impacts the brain’s development in infants and toddlers by pediatrician Dimitri Christakis and well worth a watch:

Our six month old son has probably seen an hour or two worth of TV in his entire lifetime, and it is very easy to cut it out of your life. A few years ago I wrote a blog post called ‘Eight Reasons to Quit Cable TV’ and it’s much easier than you think (see:

The best way to avoid a child watching too much television to is lead by example!

By: Lottie Fri, 24 Aug 2012 19:06:54 +0000 My daughter wasn’t interested in TV until she was 1 1/2, so we never had kids channels on,it was only by a fluke that she watched some at my parents house one day and decided she likes that one show. She’s never been a huge fan but now she’s almost 3 and has found her love of Disney films.

I really hate it with i see babies stapped in prams infront of the TV, but no tv fullstop is kind of harsh. We live in a mordern world, TV is everywhere.

By: Meagan Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:26:53 +0000 I think I use the exersaucer in place of TV. It’s sort of the same thing- I know it’s not especially good for him, but it gives me a half hour if peace in the evenings when my 6 month old is getting fussy and won’t play on his own anymore. I feel a bit better about the exersaucer than TV… it’s a bunch of plastic crap I wouldn’t normally give him, but at least nothing lights up or plays music, so everything on it moves because of his efforts.

He spends most of his time in independent play… between naps and feedings there really isn’t THAT much time to fill. Usually when he starts fussing it’s because he’s getting cranky and needs a nap… not because he’s had too much time playing on his own.

I disagree with Alex a bit on computers though. A computer is not TV. I spend most of my non-baby time on a computer and my husband works on computers. Obviously trying to teach an infant to use a computer isn’t the best use of his time, but I have every intention of familiarizing my baby with computers in small doses. I know the official stance… and I don’t agree with it.

By: janet Mon, 07 Nov 2011 04:20:02 +0000 In reply to Shannon.

Hi Shannon! Your daughter sounds brilliant, indeed. It makes perfect sense to me that she is not going to give you up easily! Here’s a post I wrote in response to the mom of a 21/2 year old, some of which might apply:

And here’s another written to the mom of a 31/2 year old:

Note that the “parent as entertainment” issue occurs almost exclusively with a firstborn child…which makes perfect sense.

By: Alison Sun, 06 Nov 2011 21:25:27 +0000 I’m a great believer in all things in moderation! My nearly three year old is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and it has been a great stroma for learning. We let him watch 20 minutes of tv a day (but it is nearly always Thomas) and this seems about right for us. Thomas helped him with colour recognition, counting, phonics and story telling!

Whilst, I would agree there is no need for tv, Thomas, at a set time, chosen by us, has enriched our lives and become another educational tool.

I try to watch it with him, and although I don’t test him on his comprehension of the episodes we do talk about them and what has happened. I think there is a big difference between this and tv as an electronic babysitter, and even worse, tv in the background, all day long!!

By: Shannon Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:39:41 +0000 Hi Janet,
I have just discovered your website and have been devouring all of your posts!!
I have some concerns about my daughter that I would love to hear your thoughts on…but first a little background…
I am an early childhood educator but now a stay at home mom (most of the time). I only became aware of RIE a few years ago. But much of what I am reading here on your website rings true to my natural instincts with children. Unfortunately, I did not follow my instincts with my daughter and we spend lots of time playing together. We do no TV but it seems I have become the entertainment. I have been racking my brain to figure out why she is not playing independently and will not leave the room I am in. And now I see that I need to implement more alone playtime for her. How do I go about this with a four year old? I have thought for the last 2 years that if I just refuse to play with her she will play on her own. However, it turns into these battles where she follows me around the house and brilliantly she engages me in deep conversations while I do things I need to do. She will play by herself as long as I am in the room but if I walk out for even a minute she stops her play and follows me. I would love to hear what you think.

I also have an 8 mos. old little boy who I am now going to try and implement many RIE practices with.
Thank you again for your post, as TV is something I can’t stand with young children but unfortunately I am not seeing as many benefits as I thought I would at this point…

By: ej Sat, 05 Nov 2011 11:30:24 +0000 In reply to Kay.

no tv here, either! with 3 children 7, 6 and 2 who are completely capable of entertaining themselves when need be:)
love that i’ve found this blog!
