Comments on: Not Easy to Cut Off Screen Time elevating child care Mon, 21 Nov 2022 13:07:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marian Sat, 16 Jun 2018 10:47:17 +0000 Having confidence in decision making is the answer. Thank you. Because of a lot of other things going on around here that was sapping my energy, I didn’t trust that I wouldn’t give in on turning the tv back on in the mornings. So, I said the tv was broken. She went with it. I worried about lying, but another post with a guest mentioned pretending the mom or dad were just about to offer another book, so the boundary being tested and the exhaustion or whatever of parent wasn’t seen as weak. I am strengthening myself, so I do not have to lie. So, she discovered the tv is working again, since I wanted to watch a documentary. Before I let her discover this, I talked myself through what the tv limits were: no first thing, no when bored, no when I am busy.

I, myself, stopped watching just to zone out. I meditate now, take epsom salt baths and do yoga nidra with headphones on, sit outside and zone out in nature, read, etc. My life has become more full and a better example for my daughter.

Thank you for the non-judgmental look into tv and our children.

By: Uma Patel Sun, 22 Apr 2018 11:24:11 +0000 Hello,
My son is 4years and we recently found out that he has motor and vocal steriotypic Tics.As a parent we are too panic and always remain worried about his future and present.Our Neurologist said Obssessive Tics can never be cured ,it can just be managed , can you please tell us how to keep my child happy ?
He will be starting his school 5 days 3 hours, I am so worried how will he manage alone without me with all his tics, since he is conscious about what he is doing. When we go out together, I saw him couple times hiding under the table because he was shy of other people doing his motor Tics .I just don’t know what to do and as a mother I WANT TO SEE HIM CURED COMPLETELY…..there is no treatment for Tics or Tourett?
