Another question I have after reading your books and listening to your podcasts on the matter is about seconds. My son (2 yrs) gets his meals in a partitioned plate with 3 items (veg, protein, starch usually). Often he will finish one item and ask for seconds while ignoring the other two items. We have been sticking to “we will give you seconds if you finish what is on your plate first”. This also applies to dessert (whatever fresh fruit we have). I have been trying to give small portions so that this is a reasonable rule and if he indicates he is done on the first pass (playing, trying to stand up or throwing food), we remove his meal and clean him up. But our response to his request for seconds seems to go against your method of not bribing them to clear their plate so I am wondering how you would handle this situation. I do like the idea of letting him decide how much to eat but don’t like the idea of him not getting the ‘balanced meal’. Thanks for your advice in advance!
]]>in childcare i have noticed that even our younger non walking babies enjoy when they sit at the table and usually they eat more than being on a high chair…also it contributes to become a member in a room and supports their social behaviour..
]]>Hi Mei! Here’s a link to it on my YouTube channel: Hope that helps! Thanks for your interest.
]]>Hi Janet! I also cannot see the video – I can see the space where it should be but it’s not showing up. It looks like a few of us readers are having this problem! Is there a link you include to the video in the post?
]]>What are your thoughts on highchairs until a baby is able to get into a sitting position on her own before transitioning to a weaning table and even then spending some dinners in the high chair with family?
]]>I can’t see the video. It no longer appears to be on the page? May you send it to me please? Thank you
Kind Regards