Comments on: No Angry Kids – Fostering Emotional Literacy In Our Children elevating child care Sat, 11 Dec 2021 11:58:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tracy Sat, 11 Dec 2021 11:58:44 +0000 In reply to Meagan.

Hi Meagan,
When he finally does sleep, how does he sleep? I ask because my daughter was a nightmare to put down for bed and naps; it would take 1-2 hours for each and every attempt to get her down. No nighttime routine helped and everyone assumed it was some vibe we were giving off. Rocking was the only thing that would cut the routine time down from 2 hrs to 1 hr. The kid woke up every 30-90 min for years. I was beyond exhausted. At 3, the doctor finally took me seriously and gave me what I had been asking for for months- a referral to a pediatric ENT.

Turns out my kid had two types of sleep apnea. Her body was telling her it was unsafe to go to sleep because she may not wake up. Kid had surgery and she was a different child two months later. She still has slight breathing issues, but nothing like before.

After getting her diagnosed it was quite clear that I had apnea as a kid before I got my sinuses corrected. (Perhaps this was/is also at the base of your sleep issues.) Last December my 3 yr old broke my nose with his skull while attempting to give me a kiss in the dark at bedtime (yes, quite painful). I was thrown back into not being able to breathe properly at night and I felt awful.

You are doing everything right. Maybe it’s him.

By: Katie Sat, 17 Jul 2021 01:24:03 +0000 In reply to Meagan.

Hi Meagan. Just thought I’d share because I too had sleep issues with my daughter at this age (and still struggle on occasion) and I realized it was mostly my own experiences around sleep as a child. You mentioned you had some past issues with it yourself so thought I’d share. Since then I have noticed many things that trigger me and it’s always around things my parents couldn’t handle with me. No fault to them, I think these negative concepts are passed down unconsciously unless we break the cycle. I did a lot of journaling and inner child work around my fears with certain behaviors, and sleep was a big one. It really helped me and my daughter. I realized I had very deep feelings of fear and anxiety about sleep and that I was abandoning her in some way. I also could not handle her negative emotions (or my own at the time) and had to do some serious work around that. I found that just identifying with curiosity NOT judgement, the feelings it was bringing up for me and working through those, changed our sleep struggles dramatically and we felt really connected around bedtime after that, even if she was very upset. I would just sit and listen and also pay attention to what was happening for me. I would write down the “stories” I was telling myself and reality check them. I realized I felt too much responsibility for making her sleep and for her feelings. The guilt was getting in the way. Not much in the way of “here’s how to get your kid to sleep” but maybe it will help!

By: Kirstie Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:33:56 +0000 Fantastic post. I’m unsure if I’handling things well with my almost 4 yo. I’m pretty good at not getting upset myself but I struggle in extended family situations. For example, we were away together for 4 days. My daughter has intense emotions and was crying/ yelling because a game wasn’t being played how she wanted it to be played. She was also generally escalating because her 9mo brother just started crawling 2 weeks ago and it seems to have started another round of jealousy.
She got very upset, grandma and her aunt kept telling her to calm down & stop whinging & how it’s not nice to whine all the time. I took her to the bedroom and sat with her and discussed how she was feeling. She cried & I let her release then calmrd down. I said if she would like atrention from me, just come and ask.
My mum (grandma) complained that she was manipulating me, getting mt attention & I shouldn’t go to the bedroom with her as that ‘s what she wants. I feel she is entitled to want to spend time with me, we both just need to pay attention when she wants that (rather than trying to push/ prod her little brother when I’m trying to get her down for a nap). I try to give her a decent amount of one-on-one attention.
She is the eldest of 5 grandchildren but she feels emotions the most intensely. I feel my family is starting to find it quite tiresome.
I also worry will she ever be able to be regulate her emotions? Her uncle is the 28 years old and is emotionally intense & can derail the entire mood of a party with his mood (for example just because he found his ravioli dish to be quite average). I don’t want those sort of reactions for her into adulthood but I also think she’s entitled to feel what she’s feeling. So I’m unsure if my appraoch is in the right direction.

By: Kirstie Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:10:52 +0000 In reply to Bee.

Hi Bee, I don’t know if it will work for you. But when my daughter was that age it really helped if I said you can do one mpre thing with that toy (e.g push the car one more time) then we ‘re going to say bye bye to the toy and the playground. We would go to each piece of playground equipment and wave bye bye. It seemed to often help the transition for her.

By: Allyson Fri, 01 Jan 2021 05:38:55 +0000 In reply to janet.

Hi Janet,

I would actually love to hear what you would do in this situation. I struggle with what to do when my 3.5 year old escalates to the point of throwing items or hitting. I’ve tried calmly sitting with her through the anger, but it seems to enrage her more. I end up putting her in her room, then coming in 10 minutes later to help her calm down (she’s usually more open to my help at that point). What would you do? How do you set a clear, loving boundary in this situation?

By: Stephanie Wed, 20 Dec 2017 22:08:29 +0000 I find myself shushing my 19 mo old in the night and offering nursing (I co-sleep with him) to get him to stop crying so he won’t wake his sister. I am aware that he likely at this age is not waking up because of hunger but if he wakes the whole house then everyone is tired and cranky the next day and doesn’t seem worth it. I would like for him not to nurse overnight, he currently wakes anywhere from 2-5x overnight between 10 & 6 but he isn’t really vocal yet and nursing usually does calm him back to sleep. I don’t want him to just stop his crying, I really would prefer to meet whatever need he has but resort to nursing to get everyone back to sleep. What would be the RIE way to handle this situation?
Thank you!

By: Katt Wed, 28 Dec 2016 11:03:57 +0000 Do you have any suggestions for parents with sensory issues? I handle most situations quite calmly, but I have one kid I tend to rush through being upset more than the other because he’s very very shrill. The noise is physically very painful and pushes me quite quickly to being over stimulated. My other child, and other people’s children, don’t do it to me. Just the incredibly high pitched shrill shrieking he does. I find I either rush him through crying to quiet him, or I can’t be physically present.

By: KJ Tue, 29 Dec 2015 05:11:42 +0000 In reply to Sata.

You should really be careful with essential oils around babies and children. Some can be very dangerous with infants. Here is an essential oils safety website. Great resource.

By: Sata Mon, 28 Dec 2015 04:31:40 +0000 In reply to Meagan.

Meagan, have you tried essential oils, chiropractic care and/or going somewhere where he can get more exercise to reset? I hope you both get some rest soon!

By: Heather Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:27:41 +0000 Hi Janet

I’m really struggling with the crying that seems to happen when I’m doing something and he needs my attention. I get angry and have started to tell him he is a whinger whilst I’m angry. I feel terrible that I can’t control my anger and am verbally lashing out more and more often – its now daily that I yell. I’m hating myself and think he might be better off without me in his life. I do give him loads of cuddles normally and talk to him after telling him what I said and yelling at him were not OK and that I’m really sorry, but I see him stuffing his emotions away and feel awful about it. I really don’t know what to do about it as I do really try to control my anger, but it bursts out. I need help!
