Comments on: 10 Secrets To Raising Less Stressed Kids elevating child care Sun, 19 Nov 2023 18:16:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jo Anne Lucas Sun, 19 Nov 2023 18:16:25 +0000 In reply to Hanna.

I am a believer in Last Child in the Woods. We over-schedule kids and wonder why they are stressed. On top of that, they pick up on your stress level. So slow down and quit trying to keep up with the Jones. Read the book mentioned above. Give kids time to explore nature. Nature is calming.

By: Beth Lean Tue, 09 May 2023 22:28:49 +0000 I wanted to share my thoughts. As a mother, I understand how important it is to create a nurturing environment for our children.

One secret that stood out to me was “Be Present.” It’s crucial to give our children undivided attention when they need it. In this age of technology, it’s easy to get distracted, but our children’s emotional well-being comes first.

Another useful tip is “Set Limits.” Establishing boundaries helps our children feel safe and secure. It also teaches them self-discipline and respect for others.

I highly recommend this article to any parent who wants to raise less stressed children. It’s full of practical advice and tips that can help create a peaceful and harmonious home environment for our little ones.

By: janet Tue, 30 Mar 2021 23:37:41 +0000 In reply to Lucia.

Definitely not too late, Lucia! Our awareness is everything. Now you can look at these ideas you mention and work at perceiving your role a bit differently. Also, the hardest part for all of us, which is perceiving crying and other emotional releases as positive, therapeutic moments, rather than signs we are failing and everything’s wrong. It’s a lifelong struggle to turn this around, but even in beginning the process, you will see improvements. Some of the weight of responsibility you are carrying will lessen when you let go and let the feelings be. You can do this! Here’s another post that may be helpful to you:

Also, maybe this podcast:

By: Lucia Tue, 30 Mar 2021 19:42:55 +0000 My daughter is now 2 yo and I didn’t know much about respectful parenting and I believe I made a lot of this things:
-over estimulated her
– making her perform
– I was so stressed that I know she felt the stress and frustration
– her cries would make me so anxious

All this changed at 18mo but from this article it seems that it is too late ?

By: Breanna Wed, 09 Dec 2020 20:37:17 +0000 I wonder about the issue of screen time, is it possible in the contemporary world to decrease the influence of gadgets and TV. If it minimized at a young age, could it be a problem in the future?

By: Hanna Sun, 23 Aug 2020 08:12:54 +0000 In reply to janet.

I love your advice on self-directed play and learning as they’re ready. I admittedly struggle with this a lot; like for a long time when we’d color together, my daughter low key encouraged me to color the whole thing—I just wanted her to color it herself and entertained the “shouldn’t she be able to color a whole page by herself by now?” thoughts… eventually she started to color entire pages on her own, very creatively too! Playing together, letting her direct has been such an incredible process and one where I learn too. It takes a lot to push aside the “shouldn’t she be able to do this by now?” thoughts, but it has made all the difference for my daughter’s confidence and creativity. Children blossom in their own time and your article empowers us to be patient and trust our child’s ability. Thank you!

Side note: I give so much credit to my mom and mother in law for helping me develop this skill. I realize that I have such immense privilege to learn positive parenting skills from the elders in my life, something that I feel we don’t value enough as a society.

By: Stepheny Fri, 21 Aug 2020 01:51:31 +0000 I’ve been reading a lot of your articles and they are very helpful. I wonder about the screen time. I don’t set my 6 month old in front of tv for her to watch. But, sometimes we’ll watch tv and she’ll be in the same room playing or nursing. Sometimes she will look up at the tv for a minute. Is this wrong? Should we just never turn on the tv?

By: Kath Sat, 31 Oct 2015 08:28:15 +0000 My daughter who is six clearly has some anxiety. She hides it very well and has some excellent coping skills but I do worry. Her grandfather and one of her uncles have panic attacks and at times suffer extreme stress. For example she did a fire unit at school and bought home a package around fire safety in the home. As soon as it was at home we had to read through the plan altogether and then she obsessed about having fire alarms and a fire plan etc. we did the fire plan, got extra alarms for her bedroom and her brothers, practised the fire plan etc. But still she worried. She will not sleep with the heater on in her room and she worries her fire alarm won’t work. She has dreams about her fire alarm batteries not working and she wakes up in bed and her legs are on fire.
I tell her that being worried is normal, that mummy worries about lots of things too and that this just makes us sure we do all the right things to keep us safe. What we have to do is not let our worry grow so big that that’s all we can think about. So we do a mental list of checking things out (eg fire alarm light working, know what to do if alarm goes off, know how to get out of house, know where to meet, YES to all, then time to put it away. Usually she says yes to putting it away and we move on, but it reoccurs all the time. Last week she told me she dreamed that the letterbox was on fire and we couldn’t meet there. I asked her what we should do if that happens and she said lets meet at the neighbours letterbox if we can’t meet at ours. This resolved things fine. Should I be worried??? Is she managing fine, is there anything else I should be doing???

By: Pia Gundersen Tue, 27 Oct 2015 18:29:05 +0000 Great article! Thank you.

By: janet Tue, 10 Mar 2015 01:26:19 +0000 In reply to Nora F..

That’s a very tough situation, Nora… Having a different opinion is one thing; thinking you are “nuts” is another. Have you considered couples counseling?
