Comments on: Consequences vs Threats vs Punishments (Includes an Update) elevating child care Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:03:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily Miedel Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:03:36 +0000 Thank you for this podcast. I have been an avid listener/reader for three years. I have a 32 month old daughter, and we have the worst time with Transitions, as you state. The hardest for us is nightly end of bath-time and then dressing in pajamas for bed (which she insists on doing herself). This is now taking 2. 5 hours daily. I TRY to move her along as she dawdles (she lies on the floor in her towel, walks around naked, grabs books, etc) and will use your advice and say something like “we have to get changed now, I am going to help you” and when I say this she will then explode and scream “DON’T YOU TELL ME!” and “GO SIT DOWN” over and over and becomes a raging ball of fire and tears. I am physically unable to get her dressed or move her along, it is like trying to dress a wet noodle. I don’t have 2.5 hours to sit in her room waiting for her to get dressed so I will sometimes say “I am going to go to the kitchen to do dishes while you get dressed” and saying that just flips a switch and she grabs my shirt, screaming and yelling and saying “I NEED YOU, SIT DOWN, SIT DOWN” crying hysterically down the hallway. I do then give in and go back to the room after about 10 minutes because she will cry so hard she makes herself vomit. It is honestly easier for me to just sit in her room at this point while she takes her time getting dressed on her own. If I try to move her or leave she has a meltdown and it takes 10x longer than if I just let her get changed on her own terms. I am trapped in a toddler’s room for hours each night, please help. Do I just let her scream and run around the house and not get changed if she won’t let me move her along?
